I moved from owncloud to nextcloud - and I`m really happy so far.
Next Topic will be to access my calendar as an ICS file. In Owncould you had the chance to
access the Calendar externally by adding the &export function behind the the Calendar URL - for example.:
With NextCloud 11.0.1 and Calendar App 1.5 this seems no to be possible - as the ?export funtion seems not to work and the Primary CalDAV Address is listed as http://<myhost.internet.org>/remote.php/dav/.
The IOS CalDAV Adress is listed as http://<myhost.internet.org>/remote.php/dav/principals/users/USERNAME/
Any chance to access the Calendar directly to get an ICS file exported?
I`d like to add the Calendar into my HomeAutomation System - therefore an ICS file is required.
I have been trying your syntax and some alternatives around but nothing works.
Each time, I get the error message : “unreachable calendar”.
However, it seems to connect to the server somehow as, by putting the wrong password, I will get an authentication error instead.
What I wonder now is whether the issue is with my nextcloud syntax for ICS or with the web client I am trying to sync the calendar with. In fact, I am trying to sync my nextcloud calendar within the netcourrier.com web interface.
Has anyone tried such thing before ?
Thanks for this tip. It is the troubleshooting method I was looking for.
So, indeed, I entered the ics link in my browser and the calendar was downloaded after signing in.
Then, what you propose should work but my web client doesn’t cope with it… I am going to ask the email provider.
Quick follow-up.
There was a bug on my email provider side and thanks to our discussion, they are correcting it.
It means the solution proposed by Bernie_O works.
Thanks again for your great support!
I followed the process as described by Bernie_O (thanks Bernie) and saw a successful subscription between my iPad as client/subscriber and my “personal” calendar on NextCloud acting as the calDAV server.
However, even though the authentication/handshake was reported as a success by my iPad, when I go to my NextCloud Calendar and create an event, I don’t see anything replicated to the iPad.
Would be very grateful if anyone could recommend a test process to validate this approach please.
Thank you
Update It turns out that I am not nearly patient enough… About 20 minutes later, and the NextCloud appointment has just appeared in my iPad Calendar…