HOW I can install NEXTCLOUD SERVER step by step on WINDOWS 10 pro?

HOW I can install NEXTCLOUD SERVER step by step on WINDOWS 10 pro

Bottom line is that Nextcloud does not work on windowz, which is a pretty common state that you should be used to by now, since basically nothing worth using works on windowz.

I don’t like VM’s. Despite the buzzyness of them, they take up resources and slow things down to a state that is unworkable for any serious workload.

My advice? Kill the windowz and install your choice of distro. Once that’s done, its a pretty easy job to set up a basic NC, and lots of opportunity to take things further and make something with strong performance.

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Thanks for your response.
I am using fedora also. How I can install NextCloud server on fedora 32

There’s lots of walkthroughs you can find through your favorite search engine;

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Thank you>>>.>

Hi @WQa242

First of all. It is probably not the best idea to install a server application like Nextcloud on your desktop computer, which you probably also use for other things. If you just want to test it, of course a VM on your desktop computer is completley fine.

Secondly, it makes little to no sense installing a desktop environment on the server. Forget about full blown Desktop distributions or Windows. Install a minimal Debian or Ubuntu server image. You won’t be able to avoid at least basic command line usage anyways, if you really want to install and maintain an application like Nextcloud for daily usage. Here you can find an example installation guide based on Debian 10

If all this looks too complicated and / or you don’t want to invest time to learn at least the basics, it might be better to try an appliance like NextcloudPi or the Nextcloud Snap package. The latter you can install with a single command.

And remember: If you want to use Nextcloud productively, you should install it on a separate device. This does not have to be a high-end server machine. A RaspberryPi 4 with 4 GB or better 8GB of RAM and an external SSD is more than sufficient for home usage in most cases.