Hi, I just finished installing NextCloud 13 on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04.
Here is how I have been planning on using it:
–=Documents folder on Laptop and Desktop Server synced with Nextcloud allowing me to also link people documents etc from the the NextCloud web interface.
–= Work folder on Laptop and Desktop Server synced with the NextCloud allowing me to also also link clients documents from the NextCloud Web Interface.
–=Archive and Media Server which is on my Desktop Server, and then made available as a mounted drive on the Laptop using SFTP, and also synced into NextCloud so that I could hypothetically watch or stream media to my phone or to the laptop or if I wanted to send a send a friend a video I could create a share link to send them.
I’ve got the first two things working just fine, but in the process I realized that SFTP requires server information. Do I have to create a second server or something? Or can I map stuff directly into the NextCloud Server? How would I get that information?
This is the info that I’m being asked for.
I’m actually intending to use SFTP Net Drive instead of ExpandDrive but the picture they had was in my tab and was a bit easier to read.
I vaguely remember reading about how people use the external storage app for something to do with SFTP but reading through the documentation I’m not clear on if that’s what I need or not. I don’t need to map an external drive over SFTP to my Desktop NextCloud server, I need to connect my Windows Laptop to the Archive and Media Server Drives via SFTP so that I can access the files without having to take up my limited Laptop SSD physical drive space, but at the same time I also still want to be able to access files from the web using NextCloud, even if that’s not how I’m specifically syncing them etc.
Any suggestions? Is the external storage what I need or no? Do I need to spin up a second server and then connect that to my Windows machine while also having those files made available online through the web interface through NextCloud?
The first one seems elegant, and the second sounds pretty messy.