How do I copy OwnCloud Calendars to NextCloud?

I just recently had a critical system failure on one of my servers on which Owncloud resided. The system can’t be brought back online, but the data on the drives are mountable and intact. I just finished building a NextCloud-based server and am now wondering how I can retrieve my calendar and contact data from the old system to the new NextCloud system. It’s critical that I get this done, but have no idea how to proceed.


Do you have no backups available?
Or exports of your calendar files (ics)?

My backups are not that up-to-date. I do have access to everything under the old /var directory, however. I just don’t know how to make use of any of it. My knowledge of mariadb is limited to just setting up initial DBs. Any help would be welcome.

Puuh, not easy.

Setup an owncloud system again and use your db files and owncloud web directory.
Then migrate to NC.

Thanks for the quick replies, @rakekniven.

That’s what I gathered. Somehow mysqldump it into a temp OC build and export the calendars through the calendar app.

Since I’d be going through all that trouble, is it not possible to grab a mysqldump from this dead server (what’s the command to do that?) and restore it over a fresh NextCloud install? Are the previous users and their creds also restored that way?