How do I change default port in docker (on a Synology)


So how does one change a docker parameter to get Nextcloud working on a different port?
I looked up here as this is the image I’m using:

But there is literally no way to add in the “-p” command anywhere in the docker interface under synology.

It seems Nextcloud is not supported on docker with synology?

You usually change the docker port within the docker-compose file although this could be done also at the command line. You’ll need to make sure if you are using a firewall this also allows for port ingress/egress. You would have to post some examples of your configuration in order to determine where things aren’t exactly working.

Thanks kevdog.

I was hoping I wouldn’t need to SSH in but here’s the json file from the docker image.
I highlighted in where I attempted to change the port but that line doesn’t seem to do anything.

   "cap_add" : null,
   "cap_drop" : null,
   "cmd" : "",
   "cpu_priority" : 50,
   "devices" : null,
   "enable_publish_all_ports" : false,
   "enable_restart_policy" : true,
   "enabled" : false,
 >>ADDED THIS LINE IN BUT DOES NOT WORK >>> "ports" : "8099:443",
   "entrypoint_default" : "/init",
   "env_variables" : [
         "key" : "TZ",
         "value" : "Europe/London"
         "key" : "PGID",
         "value" : "101"
         "key" : "PUID",
         "value" : "1026"
         "key" : "PATH",
         "value" : "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
         "key" : "PS1",
         "value" : "$(whoami)@$(hostname):$(pwd)\\$ "
         "key" : "HOME",
         "value" : "/root"
         "key" : "TERM",
         "value" : "xterm"
         "key" : "NEXTCLOUD_PATH",
         "value" : "/config/www/nextcloud"
   "exporting" : false,
   "id" : "b",
   "image" : "linuxserver/nextcloud:latest",
   "is_ddsm" : false,
   "is_package" : false,
   "links" : [],
   "memory_limit" : 0,
   "name" : "linuxserver-nextcloud1",
   "network" : [
         "driver" : "host",
         "name" : "host"
   "network_mode" : "host",
   "port_bindings" : [],
   "privileged" : false,
   "shortcut" : {
      "enable_shortcut" : false
   "use_host_network" : true,
   "volume_bindings" : [
         "host_volume_file" : "/homes/username/Drive",
         "mount_point" : "/data",
         "type" : "ro"
         "host_volume_file" : "/backups/NextCloud/config",
         "mount_point" : "/config",
         "type" : "rw"

Is that a docker compose file? Looks more like json?