Is there a way to hide files and or folders?
We’d ideally do this based on tags such as “internal”.
I have found references to a .hideme.txt file but it only seems to hide itself.
Thank you!
Is there a way to hide files and or folders?
We’d ideally do this based on tags such as “internal”.
I have found references to a .hideme.txt file but it only seems to hide itself.
Thank you!
What about the File Access Control?
We’re actually using that to block access, but the files/folders still show up.
The user just gets an error when trying to access them.
We’d like to be able to hide them.
Not directly. You can mount for each user (with individual access code) an external storage and handle all the permissions via the external storage.
Using this as a company (2 user right now) Dropbox with the same files needing different security.
There have been similar feature requests (,, feel free to push them to the nextcloud-repo as well. There needs to be a developer who likes the idea and finally implements it or enough enterprise users who push Nextcloud to do it. For single features, you can support feature requests via bountysource.
It would be nice when the “File Access Control” will actually hide files and folders when tagged in a specific rule and not only make them unreadable or writable.
It’s somewhat of a hack but you can do something along those lines using the Custom CSS app and adding CSS selectors to hide rows (TR) based on partial data-type or filename matches. I use this to hide URL and LNK files on mounted SMB shares:
tr[data-file*=".url"] {
display: none !important;
tr[data-file*=".lnk"] {
display: none !important;
name a folder or a file with a dot at the beginning.
(Maybe you have to configure your web server to hide it. Nginx:
location ~ /\. { deny all; access_log off; log_not_found off; }
I know this is an old topic, but I think my question is relate.
I have my server set up and in my music folder is the band .38 Special.
Since it starts with the ‘.’ it is taken as a hidden folder. I can’t change the name as it’s owned by www-data. Is there a way to rename the folder or get it ignored by the system as hidden?
Reviving an old subject as I cannot find any new solutions by internet search. I tried to use Marks Idea with Custom CSS to hide “.ini”-files" like:
tr[data-file*=“.ini”] {
display: none !important;
but this does not seem to work. I am using Nextcloud 28 now. Any new ideas of how to hide files by name or extension?
Best Regards Stefan
Normally, colloborative work works in such a way that files are shared on the basis of folders, for example. File extensions do not play a role here.
Can you explain what exactly you want to achieve? Do you want to prohibit access to files that others shouldn’t or shouldn’t have been allowed to upload in the first place? You will never be able to prevent this 100%.
Well not all are using NC for colloborative work and are primarily using it for the syncronization features. I think it would be a good idea to be able to hide listing of certain filename and extensions (.ini , .lnk) and so on.
This is (for me ) a, mostly, “cosmetic” feature but others may want to use it for security reasons too.
Best regards
Stefan Sundberg
Do you only want to hide or disallow? For disallow look documentation Files access control, blog Access Control and app Files access control.
Hi I just want to hide certain file-names or extensions (desktop.ini, *.lnk and so on (in the nextcloud GUI).