Help to install Libresign on nexcloud without docker

Hello I am trying to install libresign but I have a problem when I am in the settings of libresign to create a root certificate, it tells me impossible to create the certificate.

Could you help me?

also I have this error when I open the API links
{“success”:false,“result”:null,“errors”:[{“code”:405,“message”:“Method is not allowed:“GET””}],“messages”:}

Help to install Libresign on nexcloud without docker · Issue #400 · LibreSign/libresign (

I am sorry to dig up this topic. It looks the more relevant for what happened to me.

I would like to leave my experience for future reference.

I tried to install LibreSign on a shared hosted OVH server. Some issues regarding ImageMagic.

However, once I clicked “save” on the CFSSL configuration button, all my website went down for safety issue.
OVH saw the appdata_XXXXX/libresign/cfssl executable as a malware.
I had to CHMOD the full site folder in order to put everything online again.

I truly hope it is a analysis mistake of OVH.

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