Help! 在nextcloud菜单中预览它找出了很多问题。

我想我应该能懂其错误意思,但很抱歉的是,我不知道该怎么去做。 求助大神为我指点一番。 万分感谢~
nextcloud安装手法均以yum -y install package 默认安装方式。 网络介绍其错误现象的解答,这让我感到很迷惑。
I think I should be able to understand the wrong meaning, but I’m sorry, I don’t know how to do it. Ask God to give me some advice. Thank you very much~
The installation method of nextcloud is the default installation method of Yum - y install package. The network introduces the solution of its error phenomenon, which makes me feel very confused.

Unfortunately you’ve ignored the issue template and didn’t provide any valuable information about your environment, OS, software versions etc. Additionally you’ve provided a screenshot with Chinese messages which most of the users won’t be able to read. It is always better to set the default to language to e.g. English :wink:

Based on the fragments, which I understand, you haven’t configured your web server and PHP environment correctly. Before you ty to install Nextcloud, you should

  • a supported PHP version has been installed.
  • the missing php modules “intl” and “imagick” are installed.
  • the php module “opcache” is correctly configured.
  • make sure that your web server is correctly running and the listed HTTP headers are correctly set.

Check-out the administrator guide for further information.

Thank you for pointing out my shortcomings. I will accept it.

At present, I can ensure the normal operation of the web server (nginx). I found that there are two modules not installed in the PHP module, and I am trying to install them. I don’t think the problem of this module is very big. What kept me confused was the last question. Do you want to add parameters in nginx.conf or add xxx.conf file?

usually i would move this thread to international with the keyword “chinese”… shall i?

I don’t think that this is necessary anymore, because the main communication takes place in english language now.

I’m not a specialist on Nginx, therefore I would recommend to try to use the search function of this forum to find an answer on this question, e.g.

Your suggestion is not bad. Very good! I don’t think this is a nginx feature issue. I should know that the whole framework should be applied to those conditions, it should be my parameter omission, resulting in the current system self-check fault prompt. These failures can affect the use of local functions. I should know how to get down there.