Help: major problem with emptying trash bin

I have got a major problem with Group Folders that seems to have caused a malfunction with deleting/clearing files from the trash bin. I could use some outside input and outside experiences,

I’m using Nextcloud off of a commercial hosting service. I am using group folders quite a bit. And I am using the advanced access rights to set different rights for different users, while I have the Admin account.

Recently, I deleted a large Group folder. Approximately 80gb of data (off of a 250gb space account). If I recall correctly, the people who had access to this folder was me (admin) and 1 more user. This Group Folder that I deleted, ended up in the trash bin. And after that, no files is deleteable from the trash bin.

If I select all files in the trash bin, and choose ‘Actions’ - ‘Permanently delete’ then all files seems to disappear, visually at least. However, update the window, and the files are all still there in the trash bin, and the meter for used disc space confirms this. I simply cannot empty a single file out of the trash bin anymore.

Presently, the discspace situation has become so bad that my Nextcloud host had to temporarily increase my account disc space by a few Gb just to get the Nextcloud instance rolling well enough for errorsearching.

I am not sure how to deal with this. I have informed my host about this, we’ve exchanged info, they are working the problem, also by contacting Nextclouds developers. But so far, there’s nothing happening.

I thought I would post this problem here, and see if anyone recognizes this, and perhaps may offer a new angloe of attack to try solutions to this problem.

I’m most grateful for any kind of input

Its a known issue and I posted a workaround which works for me on git

@bastien Thank you, Bastien.
Since you indicate that this is a to be considered a bit of a bug, I will take your suggestion as the only thing possible at this time, until Nextcloud upgrades in some future version.

Just got the bug fix.
Upgrade to groupfolders 7.1.0 and run “occ groupfolders:trashbin:cleanup”
No support for the WebGUI yet.

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