Help Flashing NextCloudPi image

Hi, I am having trouble flashing or installing NextcloudPi in general to a 32gb micro sd card. I have traveled to and installed the .bz2 file. After that I went to the terminal on my Mac and typed “bunzip2 NextcloudPi_RPi_11-22-18.tar.bz2” I received two errors during this process… 1: the archive file was incomplete 2: error on decrunching. I then flashed the .img file using balenaEtcher. Inserted the sd card into my RaspberryPi 3 B+ and got the following error: “could not expand filesystem, please try raps-config or rc_gui. Boot and partition are on different devices.”

Can anyone help me out? I also used disk utility to erase the 32GB drive and format it using MS-DOS(FAT) with a GUID partition map scheme. Is this is right format?


If you got errors when bunzipping the archive, the file is broken. Try to download it again, and if possible check the checksums.

okay so I finally got the image downloaded correctly ( I honestly think it was from unzipping the tar file using winzip for Mac rather than The Unarchiver) anyways now when I travel to https://nextcloudpi.local and visit the site I get a 403 Forbidden error.

Any help is much appreciated. This is my first time setting up next cloud and working with raspberry pi I am pretty new to using commands like sudo and all that as well so please explain steps thoroughly. Thanks! -Josh (ps. I will be making a video on youtube if this pans out) nextcloudpi seems super easy but its still not all that easy for non-computer-savy folks.

I thought that it would walk me through everything…

That warning is only because there is no valid certificate yet.

Just add an exception and it should load the activation page.