Hardware requirements for thousands of users?

Hello Community,

im searching for some information on which hardware specifications I need to run a NC System with about 4-5k Users, sharing/hosting about some million files, overall storage up to 1TB.

Thanks in advance!

This part of the docs talks a bit (although not in depth) about hardware requirements etc. for different sized NC deployments.


This talk from the Nextcloud conference could be interesting for you:


since Nextcloud does not have any benchmarking tools it is still quite difficult to estimate the requiered setup.
In my case, we won’t have that much con-current users, (about max. 150). Overall storage is quite small to (less than 1TB). but we have around 15.000.000 files in our pocket, which makes I/O and latency stuff on the DB more important than e.g. the front-end.

In terms of the saturation-point of I/O performance, I dont really get what is needed hardware side and which settings are crucial on software-side (indexing, mem-caching).

Yes, except there is someone with a very similar setup. I suppose Nextcloud GmbH has the best experience with a large number of different setups, they can probably help you. It’s not for free but then you can take some shortcuts and benefit from their experience.

I haven’t seen much documentation on clustering and detailed configurations on this scale, also there are not many community users here helping on setups of this scale.