Hansson Appliance - Mounting external storage (local SMB 3 Share) dramatically slows down NextCloud GUI

Hi all,

I experience a strange issue with my new NextCloud appliance.
I imported the VM in my Synology Virtual Manager and ran through the startup script.
The problem afterwards is that NextCloud takes about a minute until the website shows up after clicking something. When I remove the external storage mount in NextCloud -> everything is fine again.
As soon as I add the external storage -> everything is SO slow…

Any ideas how to troubleshoot?

Many thanks!


I will try to help you out with that.

What is the Synology model, that you are using the VM on and how many cores/ram did you allocate to the VM with the Synology Virtual Manager?

Also it would be good to know what are you clicking on in the GUI (e.g. are you opening folders on that smb-share with many pictures in it or just trying to open the webinterface and opening other apps?)

And have you downloaded an image from the website or got through the install-production script? And when did you download/install it?
