Grammar suggestions with LanguageTool aren’t showing up in Nextcloud Office in Collabora

I’m trying to use the LanguageTool Integration for Collabora in Docker with the following Docker compose

    container_name: collabora
    image: collabora/code:latest
      #- "domain=mycollaboradomain"
      - "aliasgroup1=mydomain"
      - username=${COLLABORA_USERNAME}
      - password=${COLLABORA_PASSWORD}
      - "dictionaries=en_GB en_US"
      - "extra_params=--o:ssl.enable=false --o:ssl.termination=true --o:server_name=mycollaboradomain --o:languagetool.enabled=true --o:languagetool.base_url=http://languagetool:8010/v2"
      - ALLOWED_HOSTS=mydomain
      - MKNOD
      - NET_ADMIN
      - nextcloud
      - traefik-public
      - nextcloud
# Languagetool - for Collabora
    image: erikvl87/languagetool:latest
    container_name: languagetool
      - 8463:8010  # Using default port from the image
      - langtool_languageModel=/ngrams  # OPTIONAL: Using ngrams data
      - Java_Xms=512m  # OPTIONAL: Setting a minimal Java heap size of 512 mib
      - Java_Xmx=2g  # OPTIONAL: Setting a maximum Java heap size of 1 Gib
      - /docker/collabora/languagetool/ngrams:/ngrams
      - nextcloud

However, none of the text that I write is getting any suggestions from LanguageTool. I tried both the one I’m hosting as well as LanguageTool’s public API, but neither of them seem to be working.

I’m not sure if this is related to it, but I’m noticing that in the spellchecker, none of my dictionaries are appearing. It just shows the word [None]

I’m not familiar with LanguageTool but the port mismatch stands out.

Also from looking at things, the base_url maybe should be a FQDN/publicly reachable URL. Presumably a URL that goes through your reverse proxy.

Doesn’t seem to be a port issue, I just tried running a curl request from within the collabora container:

curl --data "language=en-US&text=a simple test" http://languagetool:8010/v2/check

I also tried using the public api at, and that doesn’t seem to work either

I’m noticing that whenever I hit the “spelling” button in the document editor. I get this backtrace in the collabora logs

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException'
kit-00432-00032 2023-12-12 19:26:37.873404 +0000 [ kitbroker_014 ] SIG   Fatal signal received: SIGABRT code: 18446744073709551610 for address: 0x64000001b0
Recent activity:
        load view: 80c doc: file:///tmp/user/docs/iOcDocH0JLejd6lT/New%20document.odt
        unoCommand(80c) : ChangeTheme - 2023-12-12 19:26:03
        unoCommand(80c) : ToolbarMode?Mode:string=Default - 2023-12-12 19:26:03
        unoCommand(80c) : ToolbarMode?Mode:string=notebookbar_online.ui - 2023-12-12 19:26:03
        unoCommand(80c) : SpellingAndGrammarDialog - 2023-12-12 19:26:37

Backtrace 432 - kit startup of fc0de5b:
wsd-00001-00440 2023-12-12 19:26:38.002761 +0000 [ docbroker_014 ] ERR  #26: Read failed, have 0 buffered bytes (ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer)| net/Socket.hpp:1135
wsd-00001-00440 2023-12-12 19:26:38.002800 +0000 [ docbroker_014 ] WRN  #26: DocBroker [] got disconnected from its Kit (432) unexpectedly. Closing| wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:3665
wsd-00001-00440 2023-12-12 19:26:38.002823 +0000 [ docbroker_014 ] ERR  Cannot save because CanSave::NoKit though NeedToSave::Maybe. May have data loss, but must stop| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:2403
wsd-00001-00440 2023-12-12 19:26:38.003073 +0000 [ docbroker_014 ] WRN  DocBroker [ stopped although have unsaved modifications:  Broker: pid: 432 has live sessions
  loaded in: 848ms
  child PID: 432
  sent: 126829
  recv: 8900
  jail id: iOcDocH0JLejd6lT
  filename: New document.odt
  public uri:
  jailed uri: file:///tmp/user/docs/iOcDocH0JLejd6lT/New%20document.odt
  doc key:
  doc id: 014
  num sessions: 1
  thread start: Tue Dec 12 19:26.530 2023 (35s 472ms ago)
  stop: true
  closeReason: docdisconnected
  modified?: false
  possibly-modified: true
  canSave: CanSave::NoKit
  canUpload: CanUpload::Yes
  isStorageOutdated: false
  needToUpload: NeedToUpload::No
  lastActivityTime: Tue Dec 12 19:26.982 2023 (0s 20ms ago)
  haveActivityAfterSaveRequest: true
  lastModifyActivityTime: Tue Dec 12 19:26.982 2023 (0s 20ms ago)
  haveModifyActivityAfterSaveRequest: true
  isViewFileExtension: false
  last quarantined version: 
  idle time: 0
  cursor X: 2616, Y: 1418, W: 0, H: 293
    doc state: Status::Live
    doc activity: Activity::None
    doc loaded: true
    interactive: false
    close requested: true
    unload requested: false
    disconnected from kit: Disconnected::Unexpected
    version: 0
    isSaving now: false
    idle-save enabled: true
    idle-save interval: 30000ms
    auto-save enabled: true
    auto-save interval: 300000ms
    check interval: 30000ms
    last auto-save check time: Tue Dec 12 19:26.657 2023 (5s 345ms ago)
    auto-save check needed: false
    last save request: Tue Dec 12 19:26.529 2023 (35s 473ms ago)
    last save response: Tue Dec 12 19:26.529 2023 (35s 473ms ago)
    last save duration: 0ms
    min time between saves: 500ms
    file last modified time: Tue Dec 12 19:26.647 2023 (35s 355ms ago)
    saving-timeout: 5s
    last save timed-out: false
    last save successful: true
    save failure count: 0
    isUploading now: false
    last upload request time: Tue Dec 12 19:26.529 2023 (35s 473ms ago)
    last upload response time: Tue Dec 12 19:26.529 2023 (35s 473ms ago)
    last upload duration: 0ms
    min time between uploads: 5000ms
    last modified time (on server): 2023-12-12T19:20:34.000000Z
    file last modified: Tue Dec 12 19:26.647 2023 (35s 355ms ago)
    last upload was successful: true
    upload failure count: 0
    Last StorageAttributes:
      forced: false
      user-modified: false
      auto-save: false
      exit-save: false
    Current StorageAttributes:
      forced: false
      user-modified: false
      auto-save: false
      exit-save: false
    Next StorageAttributes:
      forced: false
      user-modified: false
      auto-save: false
      exit-save: false
    num: 103 size: 19285 bytes
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    tiles being rendered 0

    Poll [docbroker_014] with 1 socket - wakeup rfd: 19 wfd: 25
            fd  events  rbuffered       wbuffered       rtotal  wtotal  clientaddress
            18  0x1     process      0       0   r:   8900       w: 126829      ::ffff:   alive 6.426ms 

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                proxy access:: 
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                queue size 0

  Sessions [1]:
                id: 80c
                name: ToClient-80c
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| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:596
wsd-00001-00440 2023-12-12 19:26:38.142336 +0000 [ docbroker_014 ] ERR  ToClient-80c: No DocBroker found, or DocBroker marked to be destroyed. Terminating session ToClient-80c| wsd/ClientSession.cpp:353
frk-00032-00032 2023-12-12 19:26:38.361943 +0000 [ forkit ] WRN  Successfully sent 'segfaultcount' message segfaultcount 1
| kit/ForKit.cpp:358
wsd-00001-00440 2023-12-12 19:26:40.003351 +0000 [ docbroker_014 ] WRN  Data loss detected, will quarantine last version of [] if necessary. Quarantine enabled: true, Storage available: true| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:644
wsd-00001-00440 2023-12-12 19:26:40.003408 +0000 [ docbroker_014 ] WRN  Quarantining the original document file: New document.odt| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:664
frk-00032-00032 2023-12-12 19:26:40.373774 +0000 [ forkit ] WRN  The systemplate directory [/opt/cool/systemplate] is read-only, and at least [/opt/cool/systemplate//etc/hosts] is out-of-date. Will have to copy sysTemplate to jails. To restore optimal performance, make sure the files in [/opt/cool/systemplate/etc] are up-to-date.| common/JailUtil.cpp:525