Google Data Migration

I have just installed the “Google Data MIgration App” to allow work calendars hosted by google to show.

Authorizing worked fine, I can connect to my Google Account. What I can NOT do is Import A Calendar. I get a big grey error on the top of my browser window:


"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please enable JavaScript and reload the page. "


The browser has javascript activated.

To figure out what the probem is, I also added my domain into googles “Authorized JavaScript origins” field, but to no avail.

Has anyone made this app work and can help me?

not enough information, i think.
first and foremost… which version of app are you running?

more info needed

Sorry, sure @JimmyKater . Its NC 20.0.0 with GDM 0.0.5

EDIT: I can copy contacts from Google to Nextcloud, and also Files from GDrive. Just the calendars create that weird “javascript” error.

Here is a picture



i just checked Github and there seems to be an open issue about it - marked as a bug. So I’m afraid there’s nothing we could do about it here on the forums at the moment. But it seems as if it’ll be worked on already… →

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In order to fix the bug I would need to see the related error in nextcloud.log (on the server side). Do you have access to that?

I can’t reproduce the bug. There must be something specific to one of the calendars you are importing.

Thanks for your feedback.



thanks for coming over. I’m happy to provide you with my log. I just checked: Obviously it starts reading the calendar and some of my entries are in that log. So I would rather not post it here. But if you tell me a way to provide you with the log in private, you would get an unredacted version :slight_smile:

EDIT: Just used a PM to do so.

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You’re the best!

I found the problem: new lines in event description. It is now fixed and will be included in next release coming in the afternoon. I’m obviously very interested if you try again with this new release.

Thanks a lot.

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v0.0.6 is out.


I updated to 0.0.7 and IT WORKED… in a way. I imported one of the calendars, and the program not only imported all the others, but also a total of 12 empty copys of that calendar I selected :slight_smile:

@eneiluj Where do you store the apps data in the database?

I have a couple of google calendars which are “stuck” - there twice and undeletable. I would like to get rid of them. Can you point me to where in the database I can delete them?

Now Testing in the version 20.0.4 , this tool have problem with the Calender import , Photo APi , and stuck progress get data Google Drive. Send a Image to look se Error log.

Thanks a lot.

Repair the calendar error, adding an event to the calendars that were empty, if you leave them only with the name, Nextcloud when importing does not find it and sends an error.

In the case of Google Drive Api, with GDM 1.4, it lists the files but there is no progress of uploading the files. From the developer page download version 1.5-3, and update. After that I have active progress bar.

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