Google Data Migration - Unknown mime type

Hi all.

This is my system configuration:

  • Nextcloud version (eg, 18.0.2): 20.0.5
  • Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 20.04): Ubuntu 20.04
  • Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): Apache/2.4.41
  • PHP version (eg, 7.1): PHP 7.4.3
  • Google Integration App: 0.1.4

I am trying to migrate the data from a connected Google account, but the proccess stops suddendly after it tries to import a form file.

The app logs the following Warining:

Warning	integration_google	Google Drive error downloading file, no webContentLink, unknown mime type: files/Google Drive/FileName : {"id":"1RBaeT2moyKTtBny7bukgdLRPmd_ah2o","name":"FileName","mimeType":"application\/","parents":["0ANCfpfzk5MviUk9PVA"],"ownedByMe":true}
Warning	integration_google	Google Drive error downloading file, no webContentLink, unknown mime type: files/Google Drive/path/to/FileName: {"id":"1GXTIDEz7gdnbSBrqCKCi7Bh1xZtHQr3g_9rbUm8iPAY","name":"FileName","mimeType":"application\/","parents":["0B9Cfpfzk5MviVTJaLV9KeHNvRGc"],"ownedByMe":true}

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Create a form in Google Account (e.g. my.account@googleapps.domain)
  2. Connect Google account in migration tool (e.g.
  3. Start the Google Drive Files import process
  4. Wait for the proccess to be executed.
  5. After a while a new notification is shown. N files has been imported
  6. Go to the Admin->Logging page to look for the error (e.g.

The config.php file does not contain any Google Data Migration relevant information.

I am looking for some Google Integration apps to bypass the files with unknown mime-types or something like this.

Thanks in advance.