GitHub repo to understand file versioning

Hi everyone!!

I was going through the GitHub repositories of NextCloud but could not figure out which one to look at to understand the file versioning in NextCloud.

I wanted to know if it uses delta files or diffing or something else.

It would be very helpful if someone could point out the repo to look at.

Thanks in advance.

Here you go.

Hey @just - are you sure? I think @Dhruv_Bagrecha is just talking about the integrated file versioning. That’s provided by the shipped app files_versions which is contained directly within the server repo:

Yes @jtr . I am talking about integrated file versioning.
Unfortunately, the repo mentioned does not mention the use of delta or diffing or anything else.
Thanks for the help anyway.

There is no delta use.

You can browse the raw versions if you’re curious how they’re stored. Versions are stored in {datadirectory}/{user}/files_version.