Getting no notification mails from

I’m not getting any notification mails or anything from nextcloud. Even if I go to my account setting and choose to reset my password via mail, I don’t get a mail.

On the mailserver log, I don’t see an event that I could associate with nextcloud except nextcloud would be using a very obscure hostname and username to send notifications. I tried to send a reset mail around 09:40 today (GMT).


On the mailserver log, I don’t see an event that I could associate with nextcloud except nextcloud would be using a very obscure hostname and username to send notifications. I tried to send a reset mail around 09:40 today (GMT).

Mails are sent from The mail logs claim that your mail server was rejecting mails from it and thus your mail address has ben added to a suppression list automated. I’ve manually removed you from now but please make sure to not block any mails sent from’s IP addresses.

Now it works, thanks. I never blocked but when you were changing to there were perhaps some SPF entries wrong or problems with reverseDNS settings.