Getting list of all groups and their members

I find it a bit odd that I cannot retrieve a list of all groups and their members (and possibly admins) in a single API call. But maybe I’m doing things wrong? :thinking:

This is for an external application.

I can obtain a list of users, and I can obtain a list of groups, which is great. But if I want to figure out which users are members of each group, I need to iterate the groups, and make one additional API call per group to obtain the list of members. This seems unnecessarily expensive.


You can use this API/Rest in additional, but, yes, I understand it’s a little heavy.



Where admin is the uid.


	"ocs": {
		"meta": {
			"status": "ok",
			"statuscode": 100,
			"message": "OK",
			"totalitems": "",
			"itemsperpage": ""
		"data": {
			"groups": [

Yes. I was about to add that to my post, but it still means iterating a list of either users or groups, and then getting groups for the user, or users for the group.

So if I have ten groups, thats a minimum of ten calls. If I have 100 users, that’s a minimum of 100 calls.

I can also quite easily see this turn into a throttling issue where I wouldn’t be allowed (and possibly for good reason) to issue that many requests to a given server.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s great that the API and its endpoints is there, but sometimes it feels like many API endpoints (not just Nextcloud) return single entities, or information about a single entity. It would be so much easier to allow for an “all” construct.

In this case, the “all” construct would probably resolve to a rather fast query on the server using order by/group by and then toss it into a json structure :slight_smile:

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Yes, I agree is not efficient :confused:

I don’t know if Nextcloud plans to (re)create API/Rest foreach entity (Users, Groups, etc.) with additional items/entities.

Well, let’s hope one of their developers at some point realizes that this does need a re-think :blush:

Thanks for your comments!

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You’re welcome :wink: