as there once was a paid hackathon, which included gantt view for the deck app
(Demo and more information:
GitHub - jeobz/NxDeckGantt: Simple web interface using FrappeGantt to show Nextcloud Deck board cards in gantt format )
which didn’t yield the expected results, I wanted to reopen the discussion of what would be needed to satisfy the interested people.
I guess a view for deck, with timespans like day, week, month, year (years?)
The posibility to drag and drop tasks into the timeline and move em around, qickly change their duration (like dragging the start- and endpoint)
drag and drop tasks on other tasks to make em sub-tasks and parent child relations (for instance relations like: child task start point is related to the parent task)
but those are just my few cents about it.
what kind of ideas are other proposing and
is there someone willing to make this happen?