Gallery+ v15.1 released

that doesn’t look very good.

Gallery+ (along with the other “+” apps like Task+, Calendar+ and so on) is troublesome in terms of continuous development. It would be better to integrate its features into the official Gallery app.

So owncloud/gallery is now better than nextcloud/gallery, especially since nextcloud/gallery+ is gone. I would expect any respectable “media” app to have good support for movies in 2017. Let’s hope that Nextcloud catches up quickly before Owncloud or else becomes a better option.

The native oC Gallery is better? I remember that otherwise. Or do you count gallery+ as the native one?

There is too much misinformation here.
Gallery+ was transformed into Gallery in ownCloud 8.2.
I kept Gallery+ alive as it had small differences and because I wanted to get the latest features on older versions of ownCloud until the latest release was considered stable.
I now don’t have enough free time left to work on Gallery+, so I will probably retire it at some point.

The most advanced version of Gallery is in Nextcloud. There is no development happening on the ownCloud side.

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Unfortunately the nextcloud gallery doesn’t get too much development either, loads of stone age issues, and nearly no commits, if I read correctly.

Well, sharing was introduced in the slideshow, including social sharing, thumbnails are now shared, the correct background is selected for transparent images and maybe a few other things. So it’s alive, but we’re missing a proper metadata collector in the server to start adding more advanced features.
I can tell you that big features are coming though :).

There was a metadata app released a short while ago - that could be promoted to core functionality if it does what you want?

Unfortunately, that app doesn’t help AFAIK as it doesn’t store data in the database. I think a generic metadata extracting module which can be extended based on file type would be good.


Thanks for the info and the clarification. I wish there was more active development for the nextcloud gallery app. It’s a nice and essential app. It could be some much better with a few additional features, in particular for playable media, though. Nextcloud would greatly benefit from it too, imo.

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