Folders under "data" are UUIDs when using LDAP as a backend?

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The issue you are facing:

I have configured a FreeIPA LDAP backend as the authentication for our Nextcloud instance. However, instead of using usernames, email addresses, or the uid attribute from that LDAP instance, it uses some kind of UUID to name the folders in the nextcloud/data folder. Why?

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N):


Steps to replicate it:

  1. Connect Nextcloud to FreeIPA using the LDAP/SSO app.
  2. Perform an ls -laFh in your nextcloud/data folder.

This is standard behavior. This can be changed to follow the naming convention of your choosing.

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How? I’d prefer our system just use the uid LDAP attribute to name folders and users, but I don’t see anywhere in the LDAP config to make that possible, and I’ve looked.

Under the LDAP/AD system settings. Go to advanced settings in top right corner. Then go to folder attributes. There you can specific a naming attribute for your users.
Be warned though that it will NOT rename all existing folders, but all users created afterwards will have their Home folder named according to this setting.
It is possible to “fix” the existing folders, albeit it is a dirty hack that comes with some risk. I have done this - and written how on this community - so try and find that.

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