Folder option missing


I found this application very good but only for one reason I am not able to launch in my company because I dont find any folder upload option. My customer have many folder at their end and they can not upload one by one.

So is there any option to select folder and upload.

Would be a help. Thank you

Can someone help me in this matter please.

Not sure I understand your question, but you can simply drag and drop a folder into your nextcloud browser window. Otherwise use Nextcloud Client Software to sync your bulk data with Nextcloud.

Thanks for your reply and I understand that could work.However many of my customers are not familiar with the drag and drop.

Hence, when we browse to upload the data then it select only the files and not the folder. There should be something that “select folder” or I can select multiple folder when I brows for upload.

Is this possible ?

Has someone got lucky with this please :frowning:

I’m afraid nobody’s gonna help or listen. I’m not sure what goes beyond just dragging and dropping. This already appears to me to be the most simple option.

I made a search on GitHub and found no relevant open issues regarding folder upload (but some problems with drag & drop). All closed issues point to drag & drop with Firefox and Chrome.

I understand drage and drop is the easiest method but we have some users who are actually not able to drag and drop ( Strange but true ) and they are familiar with upload entire folder only .

That is the reason, I am asking for this feature :frowning:

Unfortunately, this thread is a duplicate of some others:

And, for example, this funny one:

@azim So try a search next time please. Another thread with exact the same question and same answer does not help anyone.