Files:scan user -- exception while scanning: "files" is locked


I have an error when I try to do files:scan for a user. Basically I have a backup script that runs daily and it was working fine up until couple of days ago. At the end of the script I have files:scan.

This file:scan is not necessary but it was cool to see how much is the previous day’s file size. Now I just have pending.

Below is the error and the

i have same problem…

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We have an FAQ article about locked files, did you try that?

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Thanks it worked! Sorry I was looking at this forum, not FAQ

Are there no way to fix a locked file without messing with the database manually?
I have no idea what i’m doing, a will almost certainly screw it up?

»Empty table oc_file_locks: Use tools such as phpmyadmin or connect directly to your database and run:
DELETE FROM oc_file_locks WHERE 1«

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Just for anyone stumbling here from google, the FAQ article is here: File is locked - how to unlock

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Where in the FAQ ?
As I could not find the solution.

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