Files not found


I setup the Docker Container with this command and ocr can connect to the redis Container .

For this Setup i used this Wiki

My Data Directory of my nextcloud is /mnt/data
The tmp dir is /var/www/vhosts/domain/tmp
What is wrong with the config?

docker run --name ocr --network=isolated_ocr -e "NODE_ENV=production" -e "REDIS_HOST=redis" -e "REDIS_PORT=6379" -e "REDIS_DB=0" -e "REDIS_PASSWORD=<secret-,pw>" -v /mnt/data:/var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/node/data:ro -v /var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/tmp:/var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/node/output -d user/ocr

Now i get this message at the ocr Docker Container:

error: Job errored: The execution of ‘ocrmypdf’ command failed: ERROR - File not found - /home/node/data/lars/files/Arbeitsrecht.pdf

Why /home/node?

Can anyone help me?

It’s inside the docker container

Yes but you the see at my other post, it’s an Bug on ocr.