Files component is very slow - How to debug the situation?

Hy there.
So i have used, im using ssds, i have memcache and redis, also opcache for php.

So, after some digging it seems that everything goes sideways if i have the File sharing app enabled.

Everything is very fast if it is disabled (related to the files component).

If i enable it, i get the mentioned behaviour.

Ive checked the access logs, and everything seems fine.
I also checked the process list in mysql, and everything is running very fast.

On client side i can see this if i hit F5 on the Files app.
So this is from the network tab in the browser:

Any ideas related to the File Sharing app ? What to look for ? Could it still be related to stuff like the database ?

edit: i think its the same issue described here Slow loading files page on federated shares - :information_source: Support - Nextcloud community