Files automated tagging; only 'When: File is changed' is available

I’m using Nextcloud V20.0.1 with ‘Automated tagging’ V1.10.0

When I create a new flow there is no drop-down shown at the ‘When’ field. The only option is ‘File is changed’.

Other apps have options like:

  • File is created
  • File is updated
  • File is renamed
    The apps screenshot is showing other options as well. Any idea’s on how to debug this?
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Same problem here. 20.0.1 and 20.0.2 running in containers (via Docker hub’s nextcloud image).

I updated to 20.0.2 as well, but that didn’t resolve the issue. So the problem remains in V20.0.2

Bad news.
20.05 and 20.06 have same issue also

I have the same issue with 20.0.7. Any suggestions?

This issue is still present with NC 21.0.1 and app version 1.11.0.

The errors appearing in the log:

[jsresourceloader] Error: Could not find resource core/js/systemtags/systemtagscollection.js to load

GET /index.php/settings/admin/workflow
from by xx at 2021-04-11T11:29:05+00:00

[jsresourceloader] Error: Could not find resource core/js/systemtags/systemtagmodel.js to load

GET /index.php/settings/admin/workflow
from by xx at 2021-04-11T11:29:05+00:00

[jsresourceloader] Error: Could not find resource core/js/systemtags/systemtags.js to load

GET /index.php/settings/admin/workflow
from by xx at 2021-04-11T11:29:05+00:00

[jsresourceloader] Error: Could not find resource core/js/oc-backbone-webdav.js to load

GET /index.php/settings/admin/workflow
from by xx at 2021-04-11T11:29:05+00:00


I made a fresh install of nc 22.2.3 and the problem is still there. It only gives you the option to tag it for a file change. I need to tag for a file create.

Any ideas?

+1 on NC 24.0.5 / AutomatedTagging 1.14.0

Still a problem on NC 26.0.1 / AutomatedTagging 1.16.1

According to this: Missing Additional “When” Criteria · Issue #158 · nextcloud/files_automatedtagging · GitHub, it has to be this way.

I tested it out. I uploaded two files, one above the size threshold I set, and one below. One was tagged, the other was not.