Files_antivirus: Understanding issue of function

We have a discussion at Transifex.

App description is as follow:
Antivirus for files is an antivirus app for Nextcloud based on ClamAV.⏎⏎* :male_detective:‍♂ When the user uploads a file, it’s checked⏎* :radioactive: Uploaded and infected files will be deleted and a notification will be shown and/or sent via email⏎* :mag_right: Background Job to scan all files⏎⏎This application inspects files that are uploaded to Nextcloud for viruses before they are written to the Nextcloud storage. If a file is identified as a virus, it is either logged or not uploaded to the server. The application relies on the underlying ClamAV virus scanning engine, which the admin points Nextcloud to when configuring the application.⏎For this app to be effective, the ClamAV virus definitions should be kept up to date. Also note that enabling this app will impact system performance as additional processing is required for every upload. More information is available in the Antivirus documentation.

Now a translator is asking:
The sentence reads: "Background Job to scan all files⏎⏎This application inspects files that are uploaded to Nextcloud for viruses before they are written to the Nextcloud storage. If a file is identified as a virus, it is either logged or not uploaded to the server. "

It’s perhaps not quite a translation thing, but: if a file is identified as a virus, how does Nextcloud decide to log it or to block it. Can you configure to make NC block the file? Or to log the file? Or can you log AND still have the file uploaded? Or if you block it, will it still be logged? So, the NC behavior is not clear to me. Or the text should read “” Background Job to scan all files⏎⏎This application inspects files that are uploaded to Nextcloud for viruses before they are written to the Nextcloud storage. If a file is identified as a virus, it is logged and it will not be uploaded to the server. "

Does someone knows about the functionality?

Check out the extended settings of the app, which you will find at “Settings > Management > Security > Antivirus for files > Extended”. There you find per-defined rules based on the reply codes and/or reply texts of the clamd daemon. The desired action can be defined for each rule too.