File sync woes: marked as read-only

Not sure what’s happened these days, but Nextclouds sync client has been riddled with file sync failures for me. At arbitrary times, and for arbitrary reasons. My new one is this error:

The files on the local client and the server are NOT read only, the filesystems are not read-only, the permissions are set for the www user, and some files are syncing in the same directory, but not all of them. This is a new folder that I extracted into my sync directory from a .tar.gz archive. Why would these files be randomly marked as read only on the server? This doesn’t make sense.

OS: FreeBSD 11.2
Filesystem: ZFS
Nextcloud version: 14.0.3
Client OS: Fedora 29
Client version: 2.3.3

I’ve been having to move more and more of my files to Syncthing because I get many errors with configuration files and programming projects. DAV for sync is starting to show its weakpoints. I’ll stop ranting now, I want this fixed :grimacing: