File partially uploaded

Error	files	Upload error: 3 - The uploaded file was only partially uploaded	2016-12-07T22:32:35+00:00	jason
Error	files	Upload error: 3 - The uploaded file was only partially uploaded	2016-12-07T22:32:35+00:00	jason

I’ve uploaded about 2,000 files this evening. This error has been reported about 15 times.
This isn’t helpful :confused:

Has the file been uploaded later? Via NC-client?

All drag-and-drop via web interface in batches of about 100. I’m on my Ubuntu laptop and haven’t yet gotten around to building the desktop client.

I eventually re-uploaded all 2K from my desktop upstairs via Ethernet and didn’t see this error reappear, it’s just the vagueness of this that offers literally no help.

Was this an error on the webinterface or on the server log? On the client it should at least say which file failed to upload (would be something for github).

The error was shown in the Admin area of NC, there was no visible notification on the front end after watching the files upload so it was only by chance I stumbled across them before they were buried in other messages.

I haven’t been able to replicate it today so might’ve been a glitch, but some indication of a filename (which are literally littered in the info messages stating which file uploaded when) would have been super useful.

Especially normal users don’t have access to the admin-page. How large were these files?

They ranged generally between 4MB and 1.2GB (pictures and videos) - so a real mixed bag there