Federated: Trusted Servers all on Yellow, not Green

I’m in the same situation, I don’t understand…


Had the same issue beginning of this year, too.
At first, make sure that your background tasks are using cron and not ajax.

Then i’ve done the following steps and I was able to get the bubbles green on three instances:

php cron.php
php occ dav:sync-system-addressbook
php occ federation:sync-addressbooks

If it does not work at the first try, please try some more often.

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Hello !

Thank you.
It’s work.

Hi @DT-O ,

nice to know, that my hint helped to solve your problem.

Many thanks for your reply.

Kind regards, @JoHo82 .

Sorry to necro this thread. I’m commenting here so that future people searching for it have everything in one place.

I investigated a bit. I wrote up my findings and a possible (but somewhat elaborate) workaround here: [Bug]: Trusted Server Stuck at Yellow/Orange · Issue #39941 · nextcloud/server · GitHub

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That is awesome. And very helpful. Exactly what I face (“Reason 2: shared_secret is null”) It’s just that without having B in control the workaround is not working.

Now that you have established the shared_secret, you may need to rerun php occ federation:sync-addressbooks on Server B so that B becomes green 🟢 as well.