Feature Requests for NextCloud

Hello Devs,

I come from a WordPress background-- this means that I have gotten accustomed to certain ways of doing things.

Since WordPress is about creating websites, then setting up Admin and Users role permissions in an open webspace, I was expecting to see the same thing with NextCloud.

Unfortunately, NextCloud operates like a one man network, controlled by one man, that can then admit users.

1.) Can there be an Open version of NextCloud, that is owned by someone, but can operate freely to admit anyone, just like Facebook, in an open webspace?

The Logic is, if I have my NextCloud instance, is there the possibility of it having a URL that people can visit, like a Custom Landing Page, without landing on the Login Page?


In WordPress, if I install a plugin called “Ultimate Member”, Users and Admins will have different screens and view layers.

I don’t like the fact that when users Login, they see the NextCloud welcome screen.

Members do not need to see the NextCloud welcome screen.

Is there a way we can disable that?

Just like a website, How can I add new Pages with new Custom contents in NextCloud?


There are the admins of Nextcloud that do the technical administration. On top of that you have groups for more granular management of users, more details here:

Normally, you don’t want anyone to be able to freely upload and download data from/to your server. The most public thing is, you can create a public share of a folder, where people can either download files (then probably read-only), or drop files off (for some registering/submission) but only you should be able to see the uploaded content. You can directly link these shares without having the login.

There is a feature of guest users:

The admin is a user as well, but in the settings, they have quite a few options and settings normal users do not see. Some apps can as well be restricted to certain groups, etc.

You can write a specific add for a certain functionality. But it is not a website-management tool. You have site_external app, where you can include other websites, I think there were apps that link directly to the management of some wikis, …

It is not supposed to be a second wordpress.


I feel you have a different idea of what Nextcloud is than us. What is your plan for Nextcloud? What do you want to achieve?


I feel you have a different idea of what Nextcloud is than us

It’s not that I have a different idea of what NextCloud is.

It is that, I didn’t really understand how NextCloud was built to work.

I thought it’s a “self-hosted, open but secured Private Web application”.

As a Web Application ( which I thought it to be ), I expected that I would easily be able to create Pages that I can add whatever content I please, just as it’s possible on websites.

Then, through “Call to action” links like Login and Register, people will be able to Login and Register.

Of which they will have their own user Dashboards, and never have to see the NextCloud start up screen.

What I later came to realize from NextCloud, is that my Domain name points to the Login Page.

That’s not how I expected it to be: I expected my Homepage to be separate from my Login Page, as is done on websites.

What is your plan for Nextcloud ?

I wish for NextCloud to somewhat have a Module that can make it operate like a typical open website in the open webspace.

Just something that runs in a browser.

Normally, you have your homepage under example.org or www.example.org and then you can install separately nextcloud at e.g. nextcloud.example.org

There was PicoCMS (not maintained any more for current versions):

Perhaps it is possible to set up a web page with a CMS tool, and then you can perhaps have an app inside Nextcloud that lets you control the CMS (add new blog entries).

Honestly, I’d use a dedicated CMS/tool to manage your homepage/blog. Most important thing is that it suits your needs the best and you are able to manage it.

If on top of that, you want to share/sync files between your devices and/or with others, you can install Nextcloud on a separate sub-domain.

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