It would be amazing if we could create a module/app designer internally so we can create and expand nextcloud by easily creating quick apps through a section in the settings menu…
Would be great to be able to import/export modules as well be able to create custom fields, have fields be interlinked between existing modules such as contacts, calendars, tasks, files, etc…
I am sure I could expand on this a lot further although thought i’d start here for now…
Very much agree that Nextcloud Tables is relevant and a fantastic foundation. Should be integrated into the backend to allow modification of any section or module in NC… (of course easy for me to say it/think it, but I imagine its just not that simpe)
Maybe I didn’t look deep enough although it would be incredible if say tables integrated more into the overall ecosystem of Nextcloud and be able to pull database fields such as accounts, customers, etc related fields that can be shared overall, rather than the entire system being very individualistic and separated…
This is such a beautiful platform that could expand into endless sectors based on individual needs… (example flexibility of 0doo)… being able to expand or adapt this platform to ones needs helps eliminate needing so many servers, or different applications running that wont even communicate together anyway… even being able to expand NC and use it as a CRM would be so incredible…
This platform pretty much has everything to be an optional CRM yet for some reason its not really available…
unfortunately Im creative and have limited programming abilities so I cannot contribute as much but the thought of being able to have a built in editor and module creator could fast track this app beyond… i understand im just speaking freely, ranting and there is a roadmap as to what is going to happen, which direction this goes and my request isn’t a super simple one and would require many resources…