Failed to read document from storage nextcloud

Team i have installed collabora using docker.every thing working fine when logged in using IP address of my nextcloud server. but when i logged in using domain im getting an error while accessing the document in nextcloud and the error is " failed to read document from storage nextcloud "…and one more thing i have installed collabora using below command docker run -t -d -p 9980:9980 -e “domain=nextcloud\.mydomain\.com” -e “extra_params=–o:ssl.enable=false” -e “username=admin” -e “password=*****” --name collabora --restart always collabora/code…

please suggest me for above issue…or else some one please drop the phone number, where i can able to explain clearly

related to this one?

Nope.not related to that one…its kind different. my server is working fine when i logged using ip address of my nextcloud server,and i can able to access all docs in that server, But when i logged in using domain i cant access docs in the server.getting " failed to read document from storage nextcloud " error.if any one knows about it please drop me a ping in skype, where i can able to show my issue.Thanks for your skype id is : raghavaraghu.rr_1

guys, can some one please help me out on this.

Hello, did you check the permissions on files ? Try chmod -R 2755 on your file folder if this doesn’t work try to run /occ files:scan -all

tried, but no luck…if you have enough time. please drop me a ping in skype where we can able to discuss on this

Idi you run it with -v ? If so you can check if nextcloud actually sees the files or not.

could you please drop me full command.?

sudo -u www-data php /path_to_nextcloud/occ files:scan --all -v

change path_to_nextcloud according to your setup

as i dont have www-data user. i have configured nextcloud in centos 7 using apache.
So i have apache user in that and i ran below command and i got an output to.
sudo -u apache php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all -v
Starting scan for user 1 out of 2 (Benarji.Purini)
Folder /Benarji.Purini/
Folder /Benarji.Purini/cache
Folder /Benarji.Purini/files
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Nextcloud Manual.pdf
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Nextcloud.png
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Reasons to use Nextcloud.pdf
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Nextcloud intro.mp4
Folder /Benarji.Purini/files/Documents
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Documents/Nextcloud flyer.pdf
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Documents/
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Documents/Welcome to Nextcloud Hub.docx
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Documents/
Folder /Benarji.Purini/files/Photos
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Photos/Frog.jpg
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Photos/Nextcloud community.jpg
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Photos/Library.jpg
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Photos/Birdie.jpg
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Photos/Toucan.jpg
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Photos/Vineyard.jpg
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Photos/Steps.jpg
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Photos/
File /Benarji.Purini/files/Photos/Gorilla.jpg
Folder /Benarji.Purini/files/Talk
Folder /Benarji.Purini/files_versions

Starting scan for user 2 out of 2 (nextgen)
Folder /nextgen/
Folder /nextgen/files
Folder /nextgen/files/Documents
File /nextgen/files/Documents/Nextcloud flyer.pdf
File /nextgen/files/Documents/
File /nextgen/files/Documents/Welcome to Nextcloud Hub.docx
File /nextgen/files/Documents/
Folder /nextgen/files/Photos
File /nextgen/files/Photos/Frog.jpg
File /nextgen/files/Photos/Nextcloud community.jpg
File /nextgen/files/Photos/Library.jpg
File /nextgen/files/Photos/Birdie.jpg
File /nextgen/files/Photos/Toucan.jpg
File /nextgen/files/Photos/Vineyard.jpg
File /nextgen/files/Photos/Steps.jpg
File /nextgen/files/Photos/
File /nextgen/files/Photos/Gorilla.jpg
Folder /nextgen/files/Talk
Folder /nextgen/files/Jaihokisan
File /nextgen/files/Jaihokisan/test.xlsx
Folder /nextgen/cache
Folder /nextgen/files_trashbin
Folder /nextgen/files_trashbin/files
File /nextgen/files_trashbin/files/test.xlsx.d1612513195
File /nextgen/files_trashbin/files/Nextcloud.png.d1614676124
File /nextgen/files_trashbin/files/Nextcloud intro.mp4.d1614676124
File /nextgen/files_trashbin/files/Nextcloud Manual.pdf.d1614676124
File /nextgen/files_trashbin/files/Reasons to use Nextcloud.pdf.d1614676124
Folder /nextgen/files_trashbin/files/test.d1614676117
Folder /nextgen/files_trashbin/versions
Folder /nextgen/files_trashbin/keys
Folder /nextgen/files_versions
Folder /nextgen/files_versions/Jaihokisan
File /nextgen/files_versions/Jaihokisan/test.xlsx.v1614677037
File /nextgen/files_versions/Jaihokisan/test.xlsx.v1614677339
Folder /nextgen/files_versions/Documents
File /nextgen/files_versions/Documents/Welcome to Nextcloud Hub.docx.v1612511834
File /nextgen/files_versions/Documents/Welcome to Nextcloud Hub.docx.v1615901578
File /nextgen/files_versions/Documents/Welcome to Nextcloud Hub.docx.v1615901580
File /nextgen/files_versions/Documents/Welcome to Nextcloud Hub.docx.v1615901581
File /nextgen/files_versions/Documents/Welcome to Nextcloud Hub.docx.v1615901582
File /nextgen/files_versions/Documents/Welcome to Nextcloud Hub.docx.v1615901601
File /nextgen/files_versions/Documents/Welcome to Nextcloud Hub.docx.v1615901602
File /nextgen/files_versions/Documents/Welcome to Nextcloud Hub.docx.v1615901604

| Folders | Files | Elapsed time |
| 22 | 46 | 00:00:00 |

Does the list match your files ? Can you access them now ?

Yes i can able to access them.

Does SSL is mandatory for collabora server? If so i can able to access the docs in nextcloud when i accessed through IP address of my NC Server.