Failed to get LoKitDocument instance

I followed install instruction, and after several issues, I hit this one I can’t solve.

collabora_1  | wsd-00029-07 00:02:45.805964 [ prison_ws_0003 ] Message to admin console: adddoc 53 test.odt 0003 115756
collabora_1  | wsd-00029-07 00:02:45.805988 [ prison_ws_0003 ] SocketProcessor starting.
collabora_1  | kit-00053-04 00:02:45.602043 [ kit_queue_0003 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_START [].
collabora_1  | kit-00053-04 00:02:45.609742 [ kit_queue_0003 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_SET_VALUE [33].
collabora_1  | kit-00053-04 00:02:45.614988 [ kit_queue_0003 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_SET_VALUE [33].
collabora_1  | kit-00053-04 00:02:45.615014 [ kit_queue_0003 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_SET_VALUE [66].
collabora_1  | kit-00053-04 00:02:45.615488 [ kit_queue_0003 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_SET_VALUE [100].
collabora_1  | kit-00053-04 00:02:45.616332 [ kit_queue_0003 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_FINISH [].
collabora_1  | kit-00053-04 00:02:45.631630 [ kit_queue_0003 ] Returned lokit::documentLoad.
collabora_1  | kit-00053-04 00:02:45.631669 [ kit_queue_0003 ] Failed to load: file:///user/docs/53/test.odt, error: loadComponentFromURL returned an empty reference
collabora_1  | kit-00053-04 00:02:45.631679 [ kit_queue_0003 ] Failed to get LoKitDocument instance.
collabora_1  | kit-00053-04 00:02:45.631704 [ kit_queue_0003 ] ToMaster-0003 Send: error: cmd=load kind=faileddocloading
collabora_1  | kit-00053-02 00:02:45.631704 [ kit_callback ] CallbackWorker::callback [ToMaster-0003]: STATUS_INDICATOR_START [(nil)].

It’s referenced 3 times in this discussion:

But nobody really answered thoses question, that’s why I’m opening a new thread.

Let me know how we can solve that, and how I can help on the process! Thanks!

After updating the Collabora Docker container and rebooting the system, I again have the same problem. Before, it somehow had magically disappeared after a few days of debugging and testing. But it’s back again with the same error as @pierreozoux has. I’ve got the richdocuments App enabled globally, Apache redirects HTTP to HTTPS for all VHosts and the new ProxyPassMatch rule is in my Collabora VHost. It would be awesome to find a solution to the problem.

Hi @pierreozoux,

I just updated the Richdocuments/Collabora Online App in Nextcloud from 1.1.7 to 1.1.9, whic fixed the bug for me. Awesome, now Collabora Online works again in my Nextcloud installation.

By the way, I still use the Collabora Online Docker container and I don’t use aufs as storage driver. In Debian Stretch (with Linux kernel 4.7), AFAIK Docker uses the overlay storage driver per default. And apparently that works well with the Collabora Online Docker container.

Probably this topic should be closed now that the issue has been resolved?

Still no luck…

I’m now using latest docker image and latest collabora application (1.1.10).

I get a simple and new document, and when I click on it, the spinner is just spinning.

Here are some relevant logs from the server:

collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.823658 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Session 0004 is loading. 0 views loaded.
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.823674 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Loading new document from URI: [file:///user/docs/48/test2.odt] for session [0004].
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.823683 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Calling lokit::documentLoad.
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.851434 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_START [].
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.858476 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_SET_VALUE [33].
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.863579 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_SET_VALUE [33].
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.863607 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_SET_VALUE [66].
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.864021 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_SET_VALUE [100].
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.864673 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Document::DocumentCallback STATUS_INDICATOR_FINISH [].
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.880266 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Returned lokit::documentLoad.
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.880292 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Failed to load: file:///user/docs/48/test2.odt, error: loadComponentFromURL returned an empty reference
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.880297 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Failed to get LoKitDocument instance.
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.880321 [ kit_queue_0004 ] ToMaster-0004 Send: error: cmd=load kind=faileddocloading
collabora_1  | kit-00048-02 00:02:42.880350 [ kit_callback ] CallbackWorker::callback [ToMaster-0004]: STATUS_INDICATOR_START [(nil)].
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.880374 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Socket handler flagged for finishing.
collabora_1  | kit-00048-02 00:02:42.880379 [ kit_callback ] ToMaster-0004 Send: statusindicatorstart:wsd-00029-03 00:02:43.153735 [ prison_ws_0004 ] ToPrisoner-0004 Recv: error: cmd=load kind=faileddocloading
collabora_1  | 
collabora_1  | wsd-00029-03 00:02:43.153755 [ prison_ws_0004 ] ToPrisoner-0004: handling [error: cmd=load kind=faileddocloading].
collabora_1  | wsd-00029-03 00:02:43.153771 [ prison_ws_0004 ] ToPrisoner-0004 -> ToClient-0004: error: cmd=load kind=faileddocloading
collabora_1  | kit-00048-04 00:02:42.880432 [ kit_queue_0004 ] Thread finished.

Here is my collabora server:

If anybody has a working nextcloud instance, I’d be glad to test it against my collabora to see if the issue is coming from collabora or nextcloud.

The message error evolved with latest version:

office version details: { "ProductName": "Collabora Office", "ProductVersion": "5.1", "ProductExtension": ".10.12", "BuildId": "653cc4c38dd2c05aecbee156aef460f5a361e579" }
wsd-00026-0027 0:00:20.910032 [ client_ws_0001 ] ERR  Missing JSON property: 'OwnerId'
wsd-00026-0027 0:00:20.910112 [ client_ws_0001 ] ERR  Missing JSON property: 'HidePrintOption'
wsd-00026-0027 0:00:20.910136 [ client_ws_0001 ] ERR  Missing JSON property: 'HideSaveOption'
wsd-00026-0027 0:00:20.910154 [ client_ws_0001 ] ERR  Missing JSON property: 'HideExportOption'
wsd-00026-0027 0:00:20.910171 [ client_ws_0001 ] ERR  Missing JSON property: 'EnableOwnerTermination'
kit-00066-0090 0:00:21.242561 [ lok_handler ] ERR  Failed to load: file:///user/docs/66/test2.odt, error: loadComponentFromURL returned an empty reference| LOOLKit.cpp:991
kit-00066-0090 0:00:21.242602 [ lok_handler ] ERR  Failed to get LoKitDocument instance.| ChildSession.cpp:316
wsd-00026-0027 0:00:21.855901 [ client_ws_0001 ] WRN  Connection closed.| IoUtil.cpp:115
kit-00066-0090 0:00:21.623895 [ lok_handler ] SIG   Fatal signal received: SIGSEGV
Backtrace 66:
/usr/bin/loolforkit() [0x474d9c]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f49ad7dd8d0]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f49ad7d8274]
/usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN12ChildSession21getPartPageRectanglesEPKci+0x4b) [0x44188b]
/usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN12ChildSession12_handleInputEPKci+0xbe1) [0x44f2b1]
/usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN11LOOLSession11handleInputEPKci+0x488) [0x45fc08]
/usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN8Document14forwardToChildERKSsRKSt6vectorIcSaIcEE+0x433) [0x435f33]
/usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN8Document3runEv+0x44b) [0x436d7b]
/usr/lib/ [0x7f49aeca1159]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f49ad7d60a4]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f49ad50b62d]

It looks like collabora has trouble to contact the Nextcloud instance. Do I need some specific configuration if I run behind nginx?

While finally everything worked out well under Debian 8.6 with kernel 4.7, since my update to NC 11b2 collabora stopped working. And unfortunately I couldn’t find anything interresting in the logs. I then decided to stop the docker service, because there were massive performance issues that slowed down the entire VM.

It’s a strange thing Collabora with docker on Debian… Anyway, as I don’t really use Collabora to much, I’ll wait for the final NC 11 Release, before I’ll do any further research. I’m just too tired of it :wink:

I got these segfaults as well (on Debian Sid/nginx), updating the kernel (from 4.1 to 4.8) solved these problems. The app now works as intended. In other words, try again after updating the kernel to 4.something_recent.

Thanks for your comment @Yetangitu but I run coreos, and I’m already at kernel version 4.7.3.
I don’t think the issue is from there.

I’ll try this week to track down further. I have the feeling that my HAProxy -> Nginx -> Nextcloud is causing some issues. I guess some http doesn’t go through and collabora is complaining. (But this is just a wild guess)

For those striking this issue, i’ve found that stopping the Docker container then starting it again resolves the issue.

This can be accomplished with the “docker stop” and “docker start” commands (not “docker run” - that’s for the first initialization of the container).

If your circumstances were the same as mine, your container will, on first boot anyway, immediately spawn a good 8 or so loolkit processes, which generate quite a bit of load until they finish starting up and settle down. Subsequent starts don’t do this, and work normally.

I ran into this by accident when editing /etc/loolwsd/loolwsd.xml to enable a higher level of logging (it defaults to warning - if you’re still running into this issue then try setting it to info, I wouldn’t recommend debug as it includes the raw content of images in that mode, giving you a massive binary mess which is impossible to sort through).

1 Like

Ok, I just changed to info, so I have a lot more to debug :slight_smile:
But I still don’t see the issue:

k5 # libre logs -f --tail=100 collabora
Attaching to cloudindiehost_collabora_1
collabora_1  | Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
collabora_1  | ..............+++
collabora_1  | .........................+++
collabora_1  | e is 65537 (0x10001)
collabora_1  | Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
collabora_1  | ........................+++
collabora_1  | ....................................+++
collabora_1  | e is 65537 (0x10001)
collabora_1  | Signature ok
collabora_1  | subject=/C=DE/ST=BW/L=Stuttgart/O=Dummy Authority/CN=localhost
collabora_1  | Getting CA Private Key
collabora_1  | Can't remove /etc/loolwsd/loolwsd.xml: Device or resource busy, skipping file.
collabora_1  | Can't remove /etc/loolwsd/loolwsd.xml: Device or resource busy, skipping file.
collabora_1  | Can't remove /etc/loolwsd/loolwsd.xml: Device or resource busy, skipping file.
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.000652 [ loolwsd ] INF  Initializing wsd
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.000679 [ loolwsd ] INF  Log level is [6].
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.000702 [ loolwsd ] INF  SSL support: SSL is enabled.| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1621
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.000744 [ loolwsd ] INF  Open Documents Limit: 10| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1654
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.000753 [ loolwsd ] INF  Client Connections Limit: 20| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1657
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001656 [ loolwsd ] INF  Command trace dumping enabled to file: /tmp/looltrace.gz| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1681
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001692 [ loolwsd ] INF  Adding trusted WOPI host: [].| wsd/Storage.cpp:82
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001711 [ loolwsd ] INF  Adding trusted WOPI host: [10\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}].| wsd/Storage.cpp:82
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001729 [ loolwsd ] INF  Adding trusted WOPI host: [172\.1[6789]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}].| wsd/Storage.cpp:82
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001745 [ loolwsd ] INF  Adding trusted WOPI host: [172\.2[0-9]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}].| wsd/Storage.cpp:82
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001762 [ loolwsd ] INF  Adding trusted WOPI host: [172\.3[01]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}].| wsd/Storage.cpp:82
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001780 [ loolwsd ] INF  Adding trusted WOPI host: [192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}].| wsd/Storage.cpp:82
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001821 [ loolwsd ] INF  Adding blocked WOPI host: [192\.168\.1\.1].| wsd/Storage.cpp:87
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001913 [ loolwsd ] INF  Loolwsd version details: 2.0.1 - 2.0.1| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1919
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001959 [ loolwsd ] INF  SSL Cert file: /etc/loolwsd/cert.pem| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1702
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001976 [ loolwsd ] INF  SSL Key file: /etc/loolwsd/key.pem| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1705
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.001988 [ loolwsd ] INF  SSL CA file: /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1708
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.005071 [ loolwsd ] INF  Starting prisoner server listening on 9981| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1997
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.005139 [ loolwsd ] INF  Launching forkit process: /usr/bin/loolforkit --losubpath=lo --systemplate=/opt/lool/systemplate --lotemplate=/opt/collaboraoffice5.1 --childroot=/opt/lool/child-roots/ --clientport=9980 --masterport=9981 --version| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1885
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.005325 [ loolwsd ] INF  Forkit process launched: 34| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1896
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.005340 [ loolwsd ] INF  AdminModel ctor.
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:00.005385 [ loolwsd ] INF  Admin ctor.
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:00.000344 [ loolforkit ] INF  Initializing frk
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:00.000367 [ loolforkit ] INF  Log level is [6].
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:00.000394 [ loolforkit ] INF  Have capability cap_sys_chroot| kit/ForKit.cpp:157
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:00.000401 [ loolforkit ] INF  Have capability cap_mknod| kit/ForKit.cpp:157
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:00.000405 [ loolforkit ] INF  Have capability cap_fowner| kit/ForKit.cpp:157
collabora_1  | loolforkit version details: 2.0.1 - 2.0.1
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0026 0:00:05.005995 [ loolwsd ] INF  Starting master server listening on 9980| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:2021
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.085245 [ loolforkit ] INF  Preinit stage OK.| kit/ForKit.cpp:392
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.086909 [ loolforkit ] INF  Forked kit [47].| kit/ForKit.cpp:244
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.086957 [ loolforkit ] INF  ForKit process is ready.| kit/ForKit.cpp:403
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.086993 [ loolforkit ] INF  ForKit command: [spawn 1].| kit/ForKit.cpp:93
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.087012 [ loolforkit ] INF  Spawning 1 child per request.| kit/ForKit.cpp:101
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.087022 [ loolforkit ] INF  Creating 1 new child.| kit/ForKit.cpp:419
collabora_1  | kit-00047-0047 0:00:12.087052 [ loolkit ] INF  Initializing kit
collabora_1  | kit-00047-0047 0:00:12.087083 [ loolkit ] INF  Log level is [6].
collabora_1  | kit-00047-0047 0:00:12.087124 [ loolkit ] INF  Jail path: /opt/lool/child-roots/47/| kit/Kit.cpp:1491
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.088521 [ loolforkit ] INF  Forked kit [48].| kit/ForKit.cpp:244
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.088575 [ loolforkit ] INF  ForKit command: [spawn 1].| kit/ForKit.cpp:93
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.088597 [ loolforkit ] INF  Spawning 1 child per request.| kit/ForKit.cpp:101
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.088610 [ loolforkit ] INF  Creating 1 new child.| kit/ForKit.cpp:419
collabora_1  | kit-00048-0048 0:00:12.088706 [ loolkit ] INF  Initializing kit
collabora_1  | kit-00048-0048 0:00:12.088737 [ loolkit ] INF  Log level is [6].
collabora_1  | kit-00048-0048 0:00:12.088773 [ loolkit ] INF  Jail path: /opt/lool/child-roots/48/| kit/Kit.cpp:1491
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:12.338506 [ loolforkit ] INF  Forked kit [49].| kit/ForKit.cpp:244
collabora_1  | kit-00049-0049 0:00:12.338668 [ loolkit ] INF  Initializing kit
collabora_1  | kit-00049-0049 0:00:12.338729 [ loolkit ] INF  Log level is [6].
collabora_1  | kit-00049-0049 0:00:12.338890 [ loolkit ] INF  Jail path: /opt/lool/child-roots/49/| kit/Kit.cpp:1491
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:15.283208 [ loolforkit ] INF  ForKit command: [spawn 1].| kit/ForKit.cpp:93
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:15.283240 [ loolforkit ] INF  Spawning 1 child per request.| kit/ForKit.cpp:101
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:15.283260 [ loolforkit ] INF  Creating 1 new child.| kit/ForKit.cpp:419
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:15.301757 [ loolforkit ] INF  Forked kit [54].| kit/ForKit.cpp:244
collabora_1  | kit-00054-0054 0:00:15.301907 [ loolkit ] INF  Initializing kit
collabora_1  | kit-00054-0054 0:00:15.301952 [ loolkit ] INF  Log level is [6].
collabora_1  | kit-00054-0054 0:00:15.302027 [ loolkit ] INF  Jail path: /opt/lool/child-roots/54/| kit/Kit.cpp:1491
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:20.283929 [ loolforkit ] INF  ForKit command: [spawn 1].| kit/ForKit.cpp:93
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:20.283961 [ loolforkit ] INF  Spawning 1 child per request.| kit/ForKit.cpp:101
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:20.283971 [ loolforkit ] INF  Creating 1 new child.| kit/ForKit.cpp:419
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:20.286869 [ loolforkit ] INF  Forked kit [59].| kit/ForKit.cpp:244
collabora_1  | kit-00059-0059 0:00:20.287205 [ loolkit ] INF  Initializing kit
collabora_1  | kit-00059-0059 0:00:20.287327 [ loolkit ] INF  Log level is [6].
collabora_1  | kit-00059-0059 0:00:20.287385 [ loolkit ] INF  Jail path: /opt/lool/child-roots/59/| kit/Kit.cpp:1491
collabora_1  | kit-00054-0054 0:00:25.219802 [ loolkit ] INF  chroot("/opt/lool/child-roots/54/")| kit/Kit.cpp:1565kit-00059-0059 0:00:25.219818 [ loolkit ] INF  chroot("/opt/lool/child-roots/59/")| kit/Kit.cpp:1565kit-00047-0047 0:00:25.219816 [ loolkit ] INF  chroot("/opt/lool/child-roots/47/")| kit/Kit.cpp:1565
collabora_1  | 
collabora_1  | 
collabora_1  | kit-00049-0049 0:00:25.219820 [ loolkit ] INF  chroot("/opt/lool/child-roots/49/")| kit/Kit.cpp:1565kit-00048-0048 0:00:25.219820 [ loolkit ] INF  chroot("/opt/lool/child-roots/48/")| kit/Kit.cpp:1565
collabora_1  | 
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:25.284620 [ loolforkit ] INF  ForKit command: [spawn 1].| kit/ForKit.cpp:93
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:25.284659 [ loolforkit ] INF  Spawning 1 child per request.| kit/ForKit.cpp:101
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:25.284674 [ loolforkit ] INF  Creating 1 new child.| kit/ForKit.cpp:419
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:00:25.299016 [ loolforkit ] INF  Forked kit [84].| kit/ForKit.cpp:244
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:00:25.299277 [ loolkit ] INF  Initializing kit
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:00:25.299327 [ loolkit ] INF  Log level is [6].
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:00:25.299387 [ loolkit ] INF  Jail path: /opt/lool/child-roots/84/| kit/Kit.cpp:1491
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:00:25.550037 [ loolkit ] INF  chroot("/opt/lool/child-roots/84/")| kit/Kit.cpp:1565
collabora_1  | kit-00059-0059 0:00:25.721495 [ loolkit ] INF  Process is ready.| kit/Kit.cpp:1609
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.946595 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Request from GET /loolws/newchild?pid=59 HTTP/1.0 / Connection: Upgrade / Upgrade: websocket / Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 / Sec-WebSocket-Key: yCcFY40fDVGtVHkl62+rOA== / Host:
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.946746 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  New child [59].| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1293
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.947006 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  ChildProcess ctor [59].| wsd/DocumentBroker.hpp:51
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.947232 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Have 1 child.| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:390
collabora_1  | kit-00059-0059 0:00:25.722871 [ loolkit ] INF  SocketProcessor [child_ws_59] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0099 0:00:25.947029 [ docbrk_ws_59 ] INF  SocketProcessor [docbrk_ws_59] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | kit-00054-0054 0:00:25.727336 [ loolkit ] INF  Process is ready.| kit/Kit.cpp:1609
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.952203 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Request from GET /loolws/newchild?pid=54 HTTP/1.0 / Connection: Upgrade / Upgrade: websocket / Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 / Sec-WebSocket-Key: yCcFY40fDVGtVHkl62+rOA== / Host:
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.952358 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  New child [54].| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1293
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.952456 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  ChildProcess ctor [54].| wsd/DocumentBroker.hpp:51kit-00054-0054 0:00:25.727968 [ loolkit ] INF  SocketProcessor [child_ws_54] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | 
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.952850 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Have 2 children.| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:390
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0100 0:00:25.952473 [ docbrk_ws_54 ] INF  SocketProcessor [docbrk_ws_54] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | kit-00048-0048 0:00:25.734750 [ loolkit ] INF  Process is ready.| kit/Kit.cpp:1609
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:00:25.959615 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Request from GET /loolws/newchild?pid=48 HTTP/1.0 / Connection: Upgrade / Upgrade: websocket / Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 / Sec-WebSocket-Key: yCcFY40fDVGtVHkl62+rOA== / Host:
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:00:25.959804 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  New child [48].| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1293
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:00:25.960073 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  ChildProcess ctor [48].| wsd/DocumentBroker.hpp:51
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0101 0:00:25.960099 [ docbrk_ws_48 ] INF  SocketProcessor [docbrk_ws_48] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:00:25.960257 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Have 3 children.| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:390
collabora_1  | kit-00048-0048 0:00:25.735588 [ loolkit ] INF  SocketProcessor [child_ws_48] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | kit-00047-0047 0:00:25.738106 [ loolkit ] INF  Process is ready.| kit/Kit.cpp:1609
collabora_1  | kit-00049-0049 0:00:25.738265 [ loolkit ] INF  Process is ready.| kit/Kit.cpp:1609
collabora_1  | office version details: { "ProductName": "Collabora Office", "ProductVersion": "5.1", "ProductExtension": ".10.15", "BuildId": "345fa14e85e6e36ad0280f4e549c70f6b9af1a18" }
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:00:25.963118 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Request from GET /loolws/newchild?pid=49 HTTP/1.0 / Connection: Upgrade / Upgrade: websocket / Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 / Sec-WebSocket-Key: yCcFY40fDVGtVHkl62+rOA== / Host:
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.963125 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Request from GET /loolws/newchild?pid=47&version=%7B%20%22ProductName%22:%20%22Collabora%20Office%22,%20%22ProductVersion%22:%20%225.1%22,%20%22ProductExtension%22:%20%22.10.15%22,%20%22BuildId%22:%20%22345fa14e85e6e36ad0280f4e549c70f6b9af1a18%22%20%7D HTTP/1.0 / Connection: Upgrade / Upgrade: websocket / Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 / Sec-WebSocket-Key: yCcFY40fDVGtVHkl62+rOA== / Host:
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:00:25.963147 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  New child [49].| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1293
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.963155 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  New child [47].| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1293
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:00:25.963298 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  ChildProcess ctor [49].| wsd/DocumentBroker.hpp:51kit-00047-0047 0:00:25.738779 [ loolkit ] INF  SocketProcessor [child_ws_47] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | kit-00049-0049 0:00:25.738803 [ loolkit ] INF  SocketProcessor [child_ws_49] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | 
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:00:25.963449 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Have 4 children.| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:390
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0102 0:00:25.963328 [ docbrk_ws_49 ] INF  SocketProcessor [docbrk_ws_49] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.963328 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  ChildProcess ctor [47].| wsd/DocumentBroker.hpp:51
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0027 0:00:25.963504 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Have 5 children.| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:390
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0103 0:00:25.963358 [ docbrk_ws_47 ] INF  SocketProcessor [docbrk_ws_47] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:00:25.895407 [ loolkit ] INF  Process is ready.| kit/Kit.cpp:1609
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0029 0:00:26.120285 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Request from GET /loolws/newchild?pid=84 HTTP/1.0 / Connection: Upgrade / Upgrade: websocket / Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 / Sec-WebSocket-Key: yCcFY40fDVGtVHkl62+rOA== / Host:
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0029 0:00:26.120323 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  New child [84].| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1293
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0029 0:00:26.120431 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  ChildProcess ctor [84].| wsd/DocumentBroker.hpp:51kit-00084-0084 0:00:25.895869 [ loolkit ] INF  SocketProcessor [child_ws_84] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0106 0:00:26.120458 [ docbrk_ws_84 ] INF  SocketProcessor [docbrk_ws_84] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0029 0:00:26.120467 [ prsnr_req_hdl ] INF  Have 6 children.| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:390
collabora_1  | 
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:04.233747 [ client_req_hdl ] INF  Request from POST /loleaflet/2.0.1/loleaflet.html? HTTP/1.0 / Host: / Connection: close / Content-Length: 45 / User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 / Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 / Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 / Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br / DNT: 1 / Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 / Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded / X-Forwarded-Proto: https / X-Forwarded-For:
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:04.233960 [ client_req_hdl ] WRN  WOPI host did not pass optional access_token_ttl| wsd/FileServer.cpp:255
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.308884 [ client_req_hdl ] INF  Request from GET /lool/ HTTP/1.0 / Upgrade: websocket / Connection: upgrade / Host: / User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 / Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 / Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 / Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br / Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 / Origin: / Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate / Sec-WebSocket-Key: sFQhGZgmlfW7tN6tY0eC/g== / DNT: 1 / Pragma: no-cache / Cache-Control: no-cache / X-Forwarded-Proto: https / X-Forwarded-For:
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.309061 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Starting GET request handler for session [0001].| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:750
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.309250 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  DocumentBroker [] created. DocKey: [/apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/488598]| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:171
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.309287 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  ClientSession ctor [ToClient-0001].
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.309408 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Loading [/apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/488598] for session [0001] and jail [84].| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:197
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.309446 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  jailPath: /user/docs/84, jailRoot: /opt/lool/child-roots/84| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:228
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.309460 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Public URI [] considered WOPI.| wsd/Storage.cpp:174
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.309516 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  WopiStorage ctor with localStorePath: [/opt/lool/child-roots/84], jailPath: [/user/docs/84], uri: [].
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.385106 [ client_ws_0001 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HidePrintOption]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.385144 [ client_ws_0001 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HideSaveOption]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.385158 [ client_ws_0001 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HideExportOption]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.385177 [ client_ws_0001 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [EnableOwnerTermination]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.385191 [ client_ws_0001 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisablePrint]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.385203 [ client_ws_0001 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisableExport]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.385214 [ client_ws_0001 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisableCopy]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.450713 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  WOPI::GetFile downloaded 6942 bytes from [] -> /opt/lool/child-roots/84/user/docs/84/test2.odt in 0.064349s : 200 OK| wsd/Storage.cpp:475
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.451230 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  TileCache ctor for uri [] modifiedTime=1484382557 getLastModified()=0
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:01:06.227027 [ loolkit ] INF  New session [0001] request on url [/apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/488598].| kit/Kit.cpp:1661
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:01:06.227066 [ loolkit ] INF  Document ctor for url [/apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/488598] on child [84].| kit/Kit.cpp:449
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:01:06.227103 [ loolkit ] INF  Creating first session for url: /apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/488598 for sessionId: 0001 on jailId: 84| kit/Kit.cpp:483
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:01:06.227119 [ loolkit ] INF  ChildSession ctor [ToMaster-0001].| kit/ChildSession.cpp:46
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.454202 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  PrisonerSession ctor [ToPrisoner-0001].| wsd/PrisonerSession.cpp:44
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.454307 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  SocketProcessor [client_ws_0001] starting.| common/IoUtil.cpp:49
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:06.938984 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Requesting document load from child.
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0140 0:01:06.714595 [ lok_handler ] INF  Loading session [0001] on url [file:///user/docs/84/test2.odt] is loading. 1 views loaded.| kit/Kit.cpp:901
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0140 0:01:06.714614 [ lok_handler ] INF  Loading new document from URI: [file:///user/docs/84/test2.odt] for session [0001].| kit/Kit.cpp:1115
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0140 0:01:06.808472 [ lok_handler ] ERR  Failed to load: file:///user/docs/84/test2.odt, error: loadComponentFromURL returned an empty reference| kit/Kit.cpp:1138
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0140 0:01:06.808499 [ lok_handler ] ERR  Failed to get LoKitDocument instance.| kit/ChildSession.cpp:322
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.370339 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Could not open /var/cache/loolwsd/3/b/9/d76eb584acc5b33e1b0a668bc6c469920408e/partpagerectangles.txt
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.370429 [ client_ws_0001 ] WRN  SocketProcessor [client_ws_0001]: Connection closed.| common/IoUtil.cpp:100
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.370440 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  SocketProcessor [client_ws_0001] finished. stop: false, n: 0, payload size: 0, flags: 88| common/IoUtil.cpp:c3
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.370454 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Shutdown of the last editable (non-readonly) session, saving the document before tearing down.| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:959
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.370488 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Removing DocumentBroker for docKey [/apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/488598].| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:989
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.370499 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Terminating child [84] of doc [/apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/488598].| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:1005
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0140 0:01:07.145968 [ lok_handler ] SIG   Fatal signal received: SIGSEGV
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:01:07.145974 [ loolkit ] INF  SocketProcessor [child_ws_84]: Stop flagged.| common/IoUtil.cpp:68
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:01:07.145996 [ loolkit ] INF  SocketProcessor [child_ws_84] finished. stop: true, n: 4, payload size: 0, flags: 81| common/IoUtil.cpp:c3
collabora_1  | kit-00084-0084 0:01:07.146027 [ loolkit ] INF  Process finished.| kit/Kit.cpp:1730
collabora_1  | Backtrace 84:
collabora_1  | /usr/bin/loolforkit() [0x47879a]
collabora_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7f218e38d0]
collabora_1  | /usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN12ChildSession21getPartPageRectanglesEPKci+0x7b) [0x41b30b]
collabora_1  | /usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN12ChildSession12_handleInputEPKci+0x7d1) [0x42b1c1]
collabora_1  | /usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN11LOOLSession11handleInputEPKci+0x43b) [0x46b29b]
collabora_1  | /usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN8Document14forwardToChildERKSsRKSt6vectorIcSaIcEE+0x47e) [0x44e91e]
collabora_1  | /usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN8Document3runEv+0x45a) [0x44f91a]
collabora_1  | /usr/lib/ [0x7f7f22da7159]
collabora_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7f218dc0a4]
collabora_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7f2161162d]
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0106 0:01:07.377461 [ docbrk_ws_84 ] INF  SocketProcessor [docbrk_ws_84]: Stop flagged.| common/IoUtil.cpp:68
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0106 0:01:07.377496 [ docbrk_ws_84 ] INF  SocketProcessor [docbrk_ws_84] finished. stop: true, n: 34, payload size: 0, flags: 81| common/IoUtil.cpp:c3
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.377661 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Finishing GET request handler for session [0001].| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1004
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.377740 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Finished GET request handler for session [0001].| wsd/LOOLWSD.cpp:1041
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.377752 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  ~ClientSession dtor [ToClient-0001].
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.377831 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  ~PrisonerSession dtor [ToPrisoner-0001].| wsd/PrisonerSession.cpp:49
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.377847 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  Removing complete doc [/apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/488598] from Admin.
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.377865 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  ~DocumentBroker [] destroyed with 0 sessions left.| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:179
collabora_1  | wsd-00026-0028 0:01:07.377890 [ client_ws_0001 ] INF  ~TileCache dtor for uri [].
collabora_1  | frk-00034-0034 0:01:07.336774 [ loolforkit ] INF  Child 84 has exited, removing its jail '/opt/lool/child-roots/84'| kit/ForKit.cpp:192

I’ve the same problem. Im using Debian Jessie with Kernel 4.8 but still no luck…
Any other Ideas?

Ok, tried again, and this is not coming from my “weird” HAProxy setup. Just tried with plain nginx in front, but still no luck…

Is anyone running collabora in CoreOS ?

Hi everybody.
New on this kind of docker app setup (maybe because I am not really a Docker fan).

I set up a collabora code docker container on my KVM server running Debian Stretch (with aufs-dkms support), and Docker running in overlay mode.

After an afternoon configuring my collabora online setup (server version: 1.13.0) and nextcloud collabora client (1.1.25), i’ve still a problem loading a document.

wsd-00026-0028 09:28:37.734857 [ client_req_hdl ] WRN  WOPI host did not pass optional access_token_ttl| wsd/FileServer.cpp:255
wsd-00026-0027 09:28:39.401097 [ client_ws_0003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HidePrintOption]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00026-0027 09:28:39.401148 [ client_ws_0003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HideSaveOption]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00026-0027 09:28:39.401171 [ client_ws_0003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HideExportOption]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00026-0027 09:28:39.401205 [ client_ws_0003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [EnableOwnerTermination]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00026-0027 09:28:39.401252 [ client_ws_0003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisablePrint]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00026-0027 09:28:39.401283 [ client_ws_0003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisableExport]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
wsd-00026-0027 09:28:39.401304 [ client_ws_0003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisableCopy]| wsd/Storage.cpp:353
kit-00135-0485 09:28:40.458287 [ lok_handler ] ERR  Failed to load: file:///user/docs/135/doctest.odt, error: loadComponentFromURL returned an empty reference| kit/Kit.cpp:1149
kit-00135-0485 09:28:40.458377 [ lok_handler ] ERR  Failed to get LoKitDocument instance.| kit/ChildSession.cpp:334
wsd-00026-0027 09:28:40.531925 [ client_ws_0003 ] WRN  SocketProcessor [client_ws_0003]: Connection closed.| common/IoUtil.cpp:100

Here my apache2 (listening on 55810) conf ;


    SSLEngine on
    SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
    SSLHonorCipherOrder on
    SSLVerifyClient none
    SSLVerifyDepth 1
    SSLCompression Off

    # Guarantee HTTPS for 180 days including sub domains
    Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains"

    SSLCertificateFile [...]
    SSLCertificateKeyFile [...]
    SSLCertificateChainFile [...]

    <Proxy *>
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

    SSLProxyEngine On
    SSLProxyVerify None
    SSLProxyCheckPeerCN Off
    SSLProxyCheckPeerName Off

    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyRequests Off
    AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode

    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port "55810"

    # static html, js, images, etc. served from loolwsd
    # loleaflet is the client part of LibreOffice Online
    ProxyPass /loleaflet retry=0
    ProxyPassReverse /loleaflet

    # WOPI discovery URL
    ProxyPass /hosting/discovery retry=0
    ProxyPassReverse /hosting/discovery

    # Main websocket
    ProxyPassMatch "/lool/(.*)/ws$" wss://$1/ws nocanon

    # Admin Console websocket
    ProxyPass /lool/adminws wss://

    # Download as, Fullscreen presentation and Image upload operations
    ProxyPass /lool
    ProxyPassReverse /lool

If you have any information about this problem, I am interested.
Thank you all !

Docker wasn’t very keen at first but actually become to like it.

docker ps -a #list all containers.
docker stop [container-id] #stop container
docker rm [container-id] #delete container
docker images #list all images
docker rmi [image-id] #delete image
docker exec -i -t [container-id] /bin/sh #run shell inside container
docker logs [container-id] #view log
docker info #environment setup

Check your DNS on the server and inside the container.
Check your certs on the server and inside container.
openssl s_client -connect


Thank you for your tips !

I’ve checked, all my certs are signed by a recognized CA. openssl both inside docker container and VM say cert is valid.
DNS resolution works too. It’s weird.

Also tried to wipe all docker images, containers, fs et rebooting service and reinstalling collabora using tutorial, same issue…

Dunno sorry, only thing I can say is that I failed with aufs support and it worked with device-mapper.

docker info will tell you if you are using device-mapper or aufs.

It complains about device-mapper but it does work.

My noob tutorial by a noob, maybe give it a go.

1 Like

Hi, I made it working very well. Without Docker hahaha
followed this tutorial, and now everything is working well…

1 Like

Here is my docker info for info:

docker info
Containers: 100
 Running: 94
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 6
Images: 194
Server Version: 1.11.2
Storage Driver: overlay
 Backing Filesystem: extfs
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Volume: local
 Network: null host bridge
Kernel Version: 4.7.3-coreos-r2
Operating System: CoreOS 1185.3.0 (MoreOS)
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 8
Total Memory: 15.44 GiB
Name: k5
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug mode (client): false
Debug mode (server): false

As you can see, I have overlay, and I can say that it is not working.
Would be nice to have this in the documentation :slight_smile: