Fail2ban, bruteforce settings or both?

Recently I was able to make nextcloud detect my ip and so I finally did setup fail2ban and it works nice, but now also bruteforce settings shoudl work fine, so I wonder, should I have both or just? And which one?

I think as you have both already installed, why not keep them. i personally have not used fail2ban on nextcloud so im not familiar(i just use the brute force setting). if both does not cause any problem in a way, why not keep them both. Though i will say i have not much expiernce with using fail2ban on Nextcloud though on mailcow it works like a charm. Goodluck!

Fail2ban after you make the ip correct in nextcloud works like anywhere else :slight_smile:

And thanks for the suggestion, they both can work together thought the fail2ban more often then one will ban a first first giving no option to begin punished by bruteforce settings