Face recognition merge 2 people not working

After an analyse with face recognation I get sometime the same personn in 2 set of recognation.
I try to use the merge function but get a “unable to merge XXXXX” with the person selected.

No log in nextcloud log.
Any idea where are send the log display by the app to get more information?

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Write the text to fast…
It seem’s it is a known problem
below a turnover waiting for the correction

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it worked for me all the time and still works… I’m using memories and recognize app (I don’t remember anymore but I think facerecognition app is older and maybe more limited)…

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Yes I have also try recognize and indeed it works for merge.
But recognize (last time I try it) was not tunnable.
And the tunning of face recognation has for me a high value to avoid spend time to correct bad association (scpecialy for kids)

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