Extract app (rar unrar zip unzip) not working in 27.0

Hi there,
Does anyone have the “extract” app from the app store working in NC 27 ? I can’t get it to work. p7zip and unrar are installed. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

This one?

The last compatible version was NC 24. Since then it seem to have continued to work until now:

There is also a newer development:

Hopefully there is a solution soon for NC27

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Yes, that is the App. I have also tried contacting the original Dev via Github. Lets hope there is a solution for NC27. I offered to donate to the the development of this app.

Unfortunately, there are many apps that are suddenly no longer supported. Perhaps Nextcloud GmbH should distinguish between purely community apps and somewhat better supported apps at https://apps.nextcloud.com. Then you might never have used the app and wouldn’t miss it today.

But i think it was a nice and good feature. Maybe it should become a basic feature of Nextcloud Files. I think with other file sharing software solutions this is standard e.g. look Tiny File Manager.

I agree with this sentiment. Zipping/Unzipping files are basic file operations, even for basic users. For example r n I have a folder of about 7,000 files that I want to unzip on the server because it isn’t practical to upload them apart.

Even daft punk zipped and unzipped it xD

You can use standard linux tools like scp/sftp to copy the zip-file to the correct data-user-folder. Unzip with linux tools and then re-scan all files with occ.

occ files

Also you can use the app extract till Nextcloud 27.

It’s Work for me, just install it manually
I have done this step:

* wget https://github.com/PaulLereverend/NextcloudExtract/releases/download/1.3.6/extract.tar.gz
* sudo cp extract.tar.gz /<path-to nextcloud-document-root>/apps
* sudo su
* cd /<path-to nextcloud-document-root>/apps/
* sudo -u <web-server-user> tar xvzf extract.tar.gz -d
* sudo -u <web-server-user> find ./extract -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \;
* sudo -u <web-server-user> find ./extract -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \;
* sudo chown <web-server-user>: ./extract

for example in my server:

* wget https://github.com/PaulLereverend/NextcloudExtract/releases/download/1.3.6/extract.tar.gz
* sudo cp extract.tar.gz /var/www/html/nextcloud/apps
* sudo su
* cd /var/www/html/nextcloud/apps/
* sudo -u www-data tar xvzf extract.tar.gz -d
* sudo -u www-data find ./extract -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \;
* sudo -u www-data find ./extract -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \;
* sudo chown www-data: ./extract

After that, login to your nextcloud and enable extract app
Maybe this can help .