External Storage: What about the traffic and speed?

Hey Friends,
I use a server for nextcloud which has 10TB of Traffic included. I want to use the External Storage App to extend the available space on my nextcloud server. For my decision which external space to use it is important to know if the app routes the traffic over my nextcloud server or just tells the client to access for example on Dropbox, so my 10TB included Traffic is not touched.

My next question for Performance is: Which protocal to use? I have FTP, FTPS, SFTP, SCP, Samba/CIFS, HTTPS and WebDAV available for a solution which I would take if the traffic counts on my nextcloud server and not the external storage.

Best regards

yes. Once you use Nextcloud to access something, it is always going through your server (so you create traffic between NC server and NC client but also between NC server and external storage). You can only access external storage directly without Nextcloud.

Would be interesting to know. I can’t remember that anybody shared such information here. Feel free to test it and share your experience with us. Another thing to try is that you can mount external storage into your filesystem (sshfs, …). Not sure if this performs better…

SMB, NFS are better on a local network.
WebDAV is the one to use over the internet except for large transfert that should be made with SFTP instead.