External storage gives error

I have mouted an external storage both as sftp and samba and it gives two errors.
It seems to switch between errors at random.

either is will give a
Error uploading file "IMG_20160914_113454.jpg": Not enough free space, you are uploading 774 KB but only 0 B is left
or it will stick at any moment but will have uploaded the image.

There is more then enough space left on the disk. When I connect via Samba in my OS I can upload without problems.
In nextcloud I can upload to non external storage without problems.

What is going wrong here? Where do I look?

You are maybe facing this issue:

I looked at the issue it does not appear to be my problem. The fix did not help me.

I tested a few scenarios.

On external sftp/samba I cannot upload, but I can delete
On external local folder I can upload and delete
Locally/normally I can upload and delete.

What is the quota setting of the user in Nextcloud?

Check also where the uploads are temporarily stored, these partitions might have a limited size and you should move it to a larger device/partition.

The users are “unlimited” the max upload is set to 8GB.
Although I might have missed a setting because it won’t allow higher then 512MB.
The partition where /tmp/ and the OS live has >24GB free.

If I upload a file to the default storage or a directly mounted disk there is no problem.
Only when I upload to a over ssh/samba I run into problems.
Other programs can upload to the same ssh/samba.

Or your external storage shows a wrong value for the free storage? It’s probably the best to report this to the bugtracker at https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues

Github Issue:

A workround I’m using. Mount the sftp disk in linux. Then in the external storage add it as local storage.

? I did not understand that. I can not mount disk on my webhost with shared account.
I use about 10 GB of 250 available and NextCloud tells me I have 0 bytes left
PS. My English is not wonderful

That’s only an option on your own server, you can’t do this in shared environments. Check if the bug report

is valid for you. If not share your own errors in a separate bug report.

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