I have mouted an external storage both as sftp and samba and it gives two errors.
It seems to switch between errors at random.
either is will give a Error uploading file "IMG_20160914_113454.jpg": Not enough free space, you are uploading 774 KB but only 0 B is left
or it will stick at any moment but will have uploaded the image.
There is more then enough space left on the disk. When I connect via Samba in my OS I can upload without problems.
In nextcloud I can upload to non external storage without problems.
The users are “unlimited” the max upload is set to 8GB.
Although I might have missed a setting because it won’t allow higher then 512MB.
The partition where /tmp/ and the OS live has >24GB free.
If I upload a file to the default storage or a directly mounted disk there is no problem.
Only when I upload to a over ssh/samba I run into problems.
Other programs can upload to the same ssh/samba.
Or your external storage shows a wrong value for the free storage? It’s probably the best to report this to the bugtracker at https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues
? I did not understand that. I can not mount disk on my webhost with shared account.
I use about 10 GB of 250 available and NextCloud tells me I have 0 bytes left PS. My English is not wonderful