External Storage Empty (Help)


I’m experiencing problems with external storage. This is the first setup so I’m probably missing something.
Running nextcloud on Ubuntu Server 20.04 within a Oracle VirtualBox.
I have mounted the folder in Virtual Box, then mounted it in Ubuntu and the external storage app does see it (it shows a green tick to the side of the folder) and the folder correctly shows up in the user directory.

I then loaded the folder from windows with data which is not showing up.
Also, I can’t upload anything as I get the following message: " Error while copying file to target location (copied bytes: 0, expected filesize: 5 )" in the top right corner.

So basically the folder shows empty even though it has files and I cannot upload data to it.
However, it seems to recognize subfolders (uploaded from windows) as mounting them in the External storage app results in them showing up (however, still empty).

Any suggestion?
Thank you to anyone who can help!

Nobody had this problem?

could be a problem of how you have your folder mounted in ubuntu…

try scanning for new files via commandline… something like sudo -u <webuser> php occ files:scan (the manual would know how exactly) that might help in getting them visible…

upload from where? to where?

can you access data via commandline from your vm?

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what exactly was the solution here???

Thank you for your answer.
Anyone having this problem, this is how I solved it:

First, snap install seems to differ slightly so i had to specify to the system the following:

sudo snap connect nextcloud:removable-media

After that, a couple of minutes and I could write to the folder via the web inferface.
Following another couple of minutes all folders showed up.

Thanks @JimmyKater for the time you have spent


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