Experiences regarding Nextcloud Client Push and setup in a NGINX subdirectory configuration

Hello community, a few questions about the Nextcloud Files High Performance Backend (FHPB, Client Push, notify_push):

What are your experiences with it? Since there are surprisingly few messages about it here on the forum, it’s not clear to me whether this is because this relatively new feature is not widely used at all, or whether it just works flawlessly… :man_shrugging:

I run a family, friends & mates Nextcloud installation, so I’m not reliant on FHPB in terms of load, but the technical approach appeals to me and therefore I’m willing to enable this feature. My Nextcloud instance is accessible via a subdirectory relying on a NGINX based webserver. Do I need to take anything special into account?

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

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I too have this question. No special changes needed would be my guess yet overall I’m not sure how are people’s experiences so far. My impression of issues on GitHub might suggest it’s better to wait.