Expected filesize 1532 of bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 0 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side

Using the latest Nextcloud AIO Docker, I keep getting this error, how do I fix it?

[no app in context] Error: Expected filesize of 1532 bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 0 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side.

PUT /remote.php/dav/files/EmilyLove/Playnite/Emulation/Emulators/RetroArch/info/bsnes_cplusplus98_libretro.info
from by EmilyLove at 2022-07-03T14:48:53+00:00