Expanding NC with existing raid vol

Hello everyone,
I installed NC on a small OS drive but I have a 10 disk raid 5 mount in the OS called /vol1 (16TB). I’d like to move or add this storage to NC but not sure how to do this. The raid is already mounted within the OS. So I guess my question is how can I use the 16TB within NC. Thanks for any help and could use a step-by-step process. oh and this was a SNAP install not an apache install.

Sounds like a similar setup to my own. You need to mount that disk in either /media/ somewhere or /mnt/ somewhere so the snap can access it, then connect the removable-media plug to grant access. Then you need to actually configure Nextcloud to use it as its data directory. The details you need are outlined on this wiki entry.

I followed the directions on the link and mv to /vol1/nextcloud/data but I get an error Your data directory is invalid Ensure there is a file called “.ocdata” in the root of the data directory. I used touch .ocdata.

That is not in /media/ or /mnt/.