Existing AIO migration to new hardware

Hello. I have an up to date AIO (29.x.x) running on an Ubuntu Server VM at the moment in a Hyper-V. I got new hardware (ProxMox) with SSD and HDD coming soon and would like to separate the data dir to HDD and have OS running on SSD on the new server.

I’ve gone through guides, posts and forums on the topic of migration and separation of datadir but I’ve not come to a good plan for doing this.

Could anyone help me with how to think about setting up the new server ( migrate current VM or fresh install, AIO or normal installation ), and if migrate VM how to achieve the separation of datadir ?

I appreciate any input, I’m no expert on Dockers but have some experience.

How would you do it with these circumstances?

Maybe I miss s.th. here. But it should be as easy as this:

You pass a subdirectory of the mountpoint of your HD as an --env parameter named NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR when you bring up your new installation.

Instead of setting your domain on startup in the AIO interface You configure the backup location - another directory on your HD containing backups from your former installation - and its encryption passphrase. Then you can restore your instance on the new platform from a backup on the HD using the restore command in AIO interface.

It’s all in the
AIO docs