Exception HMAC does not match

Hi all

I changed my NextCloud host address from xxduckdns.org to xxyy.duckdns.org because overnight the https://xxduckdns.org wouldn’t connect in https.
Why ? no idea and couldn’t get it to work/connect again so I changed it to https://xxyy.duckdns.org which is working fine

I’m now seeing in my logs :
HMAC does not match.
Could not decrypt or decode encrypted session data

This error is only a couple of days old , so it seem tied into me changing the duckdns address

Have seen nothing about this via Google that seems to be linked to my problem so any help clearing it up would be nice


running Nextcloud Hub 7 (28.0.1) Debian


Well, this did not help… I searched but no results came up with a solution for this problem.

Possibly a solution on: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/42157#

It may be due multiple authentication tokens on the same devices. Tried deleting all the tokes and login in again. I will monitor, but seems to have fixed the problem.

./occ user:list # list users
./occ user:auth-tokens:list username # list all tokens for this user
./occ user:auth-tokens:delete username 1 # delete token of id 1 for user username
./occ user:auth-tokens:delete username --last-used-before 2024-01-01

I’m on 29.0.1. Issue started on 29.

I did exactly this yesterday and gave new login/session to my user on all devices.

Today errors are still the same… :frowning:

What does no app in context Exception HMAC does not match. Could not decrypt or decode encrypted session data mean?

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Exact same issue here. Couldn’t find any solution online

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Same issue, since i upgrade to NC 29.0.0
I gonna try update to 29.0.2

Also facing this issue since I upgrade all the way up to Stable 29.0.2. Alredy checked APCu settings, deleted my auth-tokens but nothing helped. Would like to find a solution.

Have this issue, too with v. :frowning:
Seems to be a bug: [Bug]: HMAC does not match. Could not decrypt or decode encrypted session data · Issue #42157 · nextcloud/server · GitHub


Same issue on 29.0.2

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I encounter the same issue, but was able to fixed via;

  1. remove my current credential from nextcloud database; delete from oc_storages_credentials where user = ‘pietjepuk’;
  2. create new credential via OCC; sudo -u www-data php occ user:resetpassword pietjepuk

Thanks for your hints but tell me more how to delete the credential from nextcloud database. What is the command?

What is the command?

He literally gave the command in his posting. log in into your database via mysql and in the mysql prompt type DELETE FROM oc_storages_credentials WHERE user = ‘YOURUSERNAME’;

I get these errors too. When I run this comand I get: " Failed to execute SQL : SQL delete from oc_storages_credentials where user = ‘myuser’; failed : Unknown column ‘‘myuser’ in ‘where clause’"

Out of curiosity I opened the oc_storages_credentials table in my Nextcloud database (MariaDB) and it appears to have no data. There are four fields in it: id, user, indentifer, credentials but they contain no data.

Eh… Nextcloud…

i just updated to 29.04 and now i have the same error message

same here
NC 29.0.5

The NC team would do well to spend a few rounds just fixing bugs and improving stability instead of constantly implementing new features.

I also get this error now, in 28.0.9 since Sept 7. I have not noticed any adverse effects yet.

After reading this thread and the github thread over at [Bug]: HMAC does not match. Could not decrypt or decode encrypted session data · Issue #42157 · nextcloud/server · GitHub it looks like the developer (?) submitted a pull request to fix it 3 weeks ago, so hopefully it will be fixed in the next update.

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