Error when compiling desktop 3.7.4

I tried to compile the new 3.7.4 desktop from source, as I did with all the previous versions. My system is Neon KDE with all packages up to date. I follow the steps in the README.

When I build the package, I get this:

sudo cmake --build build --target install
[  0%] Automatic MOC for target nextcloud_csync
[  0%] Built target nextcloud_csync_autogen
[  0%] Building CXX object src/csync/CMakeFiles/nextcloud_csync.dir/nextcloud_csync_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o
/home/eggert/src/desktop-3.7.4/build/src/csync/nextcloud_csync_autogen/AAGGKE4ILT/moc_checksums.cpp:9:10: error: 'memory' file not found [clang-diagnostic-error]
#include <memory>

Am I missing some package? Until 3.7.3 this was no problem.

sudo apt-get install libstdc++-dev

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Thank you, that works! But why could I install 3.7.3 and older versions without problems?

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Code changes over the time.

As you can see in this commit from Jan 25, 2023.
The dependency on the <memory> header was added there.

New dependecies, new libraries. That’s why the compiler outputs are so clear and meaningful, to get a fast hint, what header is missing. :wink:

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I am trying to compile the desktop client but am unable to follow the instructions.

When you compile, do you use a script much short than this:


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I followed the instructions in the file, that’s inside the install directory. That works.

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Thank you, now it works