Error: RainLoop\Actions::RainLoop\{closure}(): Argument #1 ($mUid) must be passed by reference

Since update to NC 23.0.2 from 22.2.5 i get these errors in logs

Error: RainLoop\Actions::RainLoop{closure}(): Argument #1 ($mUid) must be passed by reference, value given at /var/www/nextcloud/apps/rainloop/app/rainloop/v/1.15.0/app/libraries/RainLoop/Actions.php#7418


Error: RainLoop\Actions::RainLoop{closure}(): Argument #1 ($sUid) must be passed by reference, value given at /var/www/nextcloud/apps/rainloop/app/rainloop/v/1.15.0/app/libraries/RainLoop/Actions.php#7241

I searched github and found this:

(not very sure if this belongs together … but the solution seems to be in Version 1.16.0 of rainloop web.)

The newest installable addon is rainloop 7.1.3 that contains 1.15.0 as mentioned in the error log.

Is the update of rainloop 7.1.4 or 7.1.x containing the base of rainloop 1.16.0 and will it solve these errors?

The question targets to the developers …