Error log (directory access) and group folders

Dear All!

We get random errors in the log regarding access-permissions for directories.
These errors often occur when directories are created via a copy operation via the nextcloud client on Windows systems. These directories then can’t be deleted for a while.

unable to rename, source directory is not writable : /nextcloud_data/some-path/directory-name

But this directory/path is not physical available on the server because the directory was created via the GroupFolder App with a share-path like that:

The (physical) folder is stored on the filesystem of the nextcloud server i in the following path:


So the GroupFolderName “Some-GroupFolderName” is converted to “27” (folder ID).

Is this normal behaviour that nextcloud cuts of a part of the physical path of the directory? But obviously it want’s to access the folder via this truncated path which can’t work as this path is (physicaly) not available on the filesystem.
How can we get rid of these errors?

Thanks an Best Regards,