Error 405 with NPM and Cloudflare

Hello everyone! Happy to be in this forum! Hope I am doing this right :slight_smile:

So, I have been using NGINX Proxy Manager + Cloudflare in combination with some some of my containers for a while now and wanted to get Nextcloud running too.
So far, it runs locally. However, configuring the host:port address of nextcloud in NPM, I always get an Error 504 from Cloudflare. The custom domain is added as trusted domain but thats not the issue. I dont even know where to start looking so I appreciate any idea! :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance!

Actually never mind, after searching for hours I could not find the right answer but just stumbled across a very valuable information, that made it work. I launched Nextcloud via docker-compose but it was running in its own network. Use Portainer to join the Network NPM is using so they can communicate and now it works!

For everyone running into the same issue (found quite some posts about it online without answers) > here you go :slight_smile: