Email notifications for Nextcloud Users / Email Präferenzen für Nextcloud Users

Dear Nextcloud Team,

Would it be possible for a future Nextcloud update to set the email notifications for normal users from the admin user as the default? Such a feature would be very useful for my organization. Currently we need to tell our users to turn on email notifications so they get an email when another user makes a file share.

Maybe something like this already exists? Our NC version is 27.0.1.

Thank you,

Liebes Nextcloud Team,

wäre es möglich für ein zukünftiges Nextcloud update die email notifications für normale user von dem admin user als default zu setzen? So ein Feature wäre sehr nützlich für meine Organisation. Momentan müssen wir unsere User darauf hinweisen die email notifications an zu stellen damit sie ein email bekommen wenn ein anderer User ein File share macht.

Vielleicht gibt es so etwas bereits? Unsere NC version ist 27.0.1.


You mean the notification about activities?

That should be the activity app. And each app can add events, and it is for the app developers to set a default:

I haven’t seen a feature to set this easily yourself, just a feature request to manage the settings by the admin user:

and your request goes into this direction, just that you want to adjust the default settings (and let the users change it if they want).

As you can see, the issue is open for quite some time. So it’s possible that someone might be implementing it some time.